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為達研究目的,本研究採用文獻分析、系統開發與準實驗設計,首先探討相關文獻 以建構博物館整合式學習環境,再發展相關活動及教材。教學實驗以南投縣某國中一年級兩班79人為研究對象,一班為實驗組,進行「整合環境下博物館行動學習」;另一班為控制組,進行傳統導覽員解說。實驗結束後,利用單因子共變數分析、t檢定等方法進行統計分析,並觀察參觀行為及滿意度調查,最後進行資料分析,研究結果發現:
This study developed an interactive guided-view model combining the concept of inquiry-based learning for students in historical museum. Many researchers revealed that enhanced learning which is fun can be more effective. Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered and student-lead process. The purpose is to engage the student in active learning. Those are the reasons why we choose the inquiry-based method to design the guiding activities of historical museum education. We constructed an interactive guided-view system and related content about historical exhibitions in museum. The system is used to support visitor in learning and exploring collaboratively with handheld devices in the museum. Therefore, the exhibits are designed to promote playful theme explorations and discovery games during the tours. This guided-view model provides instructional courses and integrates the exhibits on interactive game scenarios. In the wireless infrastructure, visitors can also share content about the exhibits by the handheld devices, like a positive role in social interactions. We make a seamless transition between real-place and virtual contexts interactions. Let learners pay their attention to exhibitions and self-construction. Summarily, we achieve the following contributions: (1) The guided strategies of the museum; (2) The development of interactive inquiry guided-view system; (3) How to integrate interactive factors of guided-view activities into the museum.
This study developed an interactive guided-view model combining the concept of inquiry-based learning for students in historical museum. Many researchers revealed that enhanced learning which is fun can be more effective. Inquiry-based learning is a student-centered and student-lead process. The purpose is to engage the student in active learning. Those are the reasons why we choose the inquiry-based method to design the guiding activities of historical museum education. We constructed an interactive guided-view system and related content about historical exhibitions in museum. The system is used to support visitor in learning and exploring collaboratively with handheld devices in the museum. Therefore, the exhibits are designed to promote playful theme explorations and discovery games during the tours. This guided-view model provides instructional courses and integrates the exhibits on interactive game scenarios. In the wireless infrastructure, visitors can also share content about the exhibits by the handheld devices, like a positive role in social interactions. We make a seamless transition between real-place and virtual contexts interactions. Let learners pay their attention to exhibitions and self-construction. Summarily, we achieve the following contributions: (1) The guided strategies of the museum; (2) The development of interactive inquiry guided-view system; (3) How to integrate interactive factors of guided-view activities into the museum.
博物館導覽, 行動學習, 平板電腦, 探索式學習, museum education, mobile learning, tablet pc, inquiry-based learning