

本研究旨在分析國中自然與生活科技學習領域教科書各版本生活科技內容之主題概念、特色及與課程綱要之關係。 本研究先進行文獻探討,以了解自然與生活科技學習領域的形成背景與特色及生活科技的課程內涵;再發展教科書評鑑與分析的架構,據以研訂教科書內容分析類目及「國中自然與生活科技學習領域教科書生活科技內容分析表」,並針對九十四學年度前審定通過之國中自然與生活科技學習領域之教科書,共四個版本24冊,進行生活科技內容之分析。 主要結論如下:(1)育成、翰林與康軒三個版本生活科技內容之主題概念分佈以「營建與製造」主題最多,而南一版生活科技內容之主題概念分佈以「能源與運輸」主題最多;(2)此四個版本共有之特色:內容與生活相結合,文字敘述均明確可讀,圖表、科技活動、問題與討論等呈現豐富;(3)各版本大都符合課程綱要中的生活科技教材主題;(4)內容偏向以自然學科為本位,發現有重自然而輕生活科技的取向;(5)各版本生活科技章節的主題安排與以前課程標準之主題概念雷同,可惜的是生活科技的內容並未與自然學科主題相統整。根據研究發現,各版本所呈現的教科書章節內容,仍明顯是採行分科(生物、理化、地球科學與生活科技)教學的編排方式,與教改之目的與精神並非契合,可再做進一步的探討。
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the textbook contents of Living Technology for the junior high schools.The main focus was concerning its thematic concepts, characteristics and relationship with the offcial curriculum guidelines. First, this study conducted a literature review to understand the background and features of Living Technology(LT), as well as the course of LT. Secondly, this study developed a framework of textbook evaluation and analysis, which was further transformed to content categories tables. After that, 24 volumes of NS< textbooks, published by the from 4 presses, ie, Uchen(育成), Han Lin(翰林), Kang Hsuan(康軒), and Nani(南一), and which are approved by the ministry of Education for 2005 school year, were analyzed in terms of the content of LT. Finally, 5 main conclusions were reached:(1) The distribution of the thematic concepts in all the textbooks is varied. The textbooks published by Uchen(育成),Han Lin(翰林),and Kang Hsuan(康軒) have the most topics of “construction and manufacture,” while those by Nani(南一)havethe most topics of “energy and transportation.”(2)The content in all the textbooks concerning the part of LT is well-matched to the daily life. The Contents are all easy to read. Besides questions and discussions, all book are full of pictures, graphics, and activities.(3)Most content in all the textbooks is well related to the topics conformed with the curriculum guidelines.(4)However, most of the contents tend to put more emphasis on Natural Science than on Living Technology.(5)The arrangement of each chapter in all the textbooks concerning the topics of LT is similar to that of the previous curriculum guidelines. The content of LT is not integrated with the topics of NS, i.e, each book contains Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Living Technology, but they are still not integrated as a whole. According to this study, the arrangement of the syllabus in each subject, apparently, is separated individually in all the textbooks.



教科書, 生活科技, Textbooks, Living Technology





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