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摘 要 本研究目的旨在透過個案研究,瞭解臺北市國民中學特色課程管理的內涵、策略、遭遇的困難、以及學校面對困難的因應之道。研究者首先透過文獻瞭解課程管理的內涵、課程管理的策略模式、以及彈性學習節數規劃與設計的性質和原則,然後利用課程管理的內涵與策略形成本研究資料的分析架構,再以立意取樣方式,選取臺北市一所國民中學特色課程管理者為研究對象,採取訪談方式為主,文件分析為輔的研究方法,來蒐集相關的資料。最後根據研究結果,歸納出本研究的結論,並提出建議以供參考。 經過綜合討論與分析結果,獲得以下的發現: 一、個案學校利用彈性學習節數推展五項課程方案,以形塑學校的特色課程。 二、個案學校在特色課程管理的內涵方面,以課程表的編製、特定主題的強調、主題式課程的實施方式、以及社團活動的師資安排最具特色。 三、個案學校在特色課程管理的內涵上,較不重視自編教材的審定、教學方法的強調、以及學習評量的管理等項目。 四、個案學校前後任校長分別使用傳統權威的領導、個人情感的支持及說服性的溝通等策略,以推動特色課程的實施。 五、個案學校管理特色課程,較常使用的策略是說服性的溝通、教學資源的提供及經費的補助。 六、個案學校在課程管理機制中,觀摩或競賽的辦理、獎勵或懲罰措施的訂定等兩種策略未曾使用。 七、個案學校特色課程能否持續實施,所面臨的最大困難,為教師認知、行政人員更換頻率高及評量管理等問題。 八、面對課程管理工作的困難,兩任校長皆以堅持的態度及說服性溝通的方法面對。 根據研究分析討論與所歸納的結論,本研究提出下列的建議,以供參考: 一、對個案學校的建議,包括(一)學校應設計評量管理的制度,展現教學成果,作為爭取家長認同的依據。(二)學校應建立嚴謹的自我評鑑準則,作為每學年度檢討課程管理工作及其修正的依據。(三)學校應擬定獎勵制度,以激勵行政人員及教師的士氣。(四)學校可做局部組織再造的工作,設立教材研發組別,進行自編教材的評審。 二、對臺北市國民中學的建議,包含(一)利用彈性學習節數,發展各校的特色應是可行的。(二)可以藉由觀摩或參訪個案學校的特色課程,分享課程管理的經驗。 三、對教育主管機觀的建議,涵蓋(一)為了倡導學校重視特色課程的形塑,可以提供學校更多獎懲的權限,以獎勵各校課程管理有貢獻的人員。(二)對於課程管理工作績效優良的學校,建議教育行政機關可以提供特定項目的經費補助。(三)教育主管機關應加強導正教育人員及家長對升學率迷思的風氣。 四、對未來研究的建議,分為(一)在研究對象方面,可擴及學校規模大小、不同教育階段、或不同縣市課程管理情形的比較。(二)在研究方法方面,可使用或增加問卷調查、觀察等研究方式。(三)在研究內容方面,可擴大至學校整體課程的管理或不同類型課程管理之比較。
Abstract Flexible curriculum is a particular issue in current grade 1-9 education. Through the arrangement of flexible curriculum, the students have a better opportunity to understand the interests in local communities than before. However, flexible curriculum is replaced by fixed curriculum in most of junior high schools because raising the rate of entering senior high schools is the first priority for most of the schools. The purposes of this study are to understand how to manage flexible curriculum, how to face the difficulties of implementation, and how to solve the problems of flexible curriculum. The materials and methods employed in this study are literature review and case study. By reviewing literature, the strategies, policy and modes of curriculum management were studied. The characteristics, principles, and designing of Alternative Learning Periods were also realized. By case study, a curriculum manager in a junior high school in Taipei was chosen. The results obtained are not only by document analysis but mainly by interviews. Major results in this study are as the followings: (1) In accordance with grade 1-9 curriculum, the junior high school promotes different projects during Alternative Learning Periods which form the characteristics of the school. (2) The plans of Alternative Curriculum in a junior high school were achieved by policy propagation, personal emotion support, and traditional authority leadership. (3) When this curriculum was implemented, the junior high school had to make its efforts on the directions of policy, offer teaching resources, subside budget, and completely reform participation in the curriculum. (4) The junior high school which was chosen in this study is very special in the arrangement of courses, the emphasis on specific themes, the ways to apply theme-based curriculum, and the arrangement of teachers in student clubs. (5) The problems that the selected junior high school faces are unstable personnel, teachers’ objection voices, and the methods of project evaluation. The function of the organization can only be maintained or enhanced by the insistence and charisma of the Principal. (6) To promote teaching profession, teachers were encouraged to set up teaching files. Teaching file set-up could help to decrease the stress of time, and build professional images for the teachers. (7) Alternative Learning Curriculum in the junior high school is guided by the organizations of the curriculum development and curriculum administrative staff. The junior high school selected in this study has no rewards or encouragement for teachers or administrative staff. According to the results in this study, some conclusive suggestions can be made: 1.For the case study school (A)Set up the rules of evaluation which may help to win parents’ recognition. (B)Set up the rules for self- evaluation which can be applied for an annual review. (C)Provide curriculum managers with rewards and encouragement. (D)By organizing, the teachers can be grouped to develop teaching materials and to assess self-designed teaching materials. 2.For junior high schools in Taipei (A)Make sure the core value of the school in order to develop school characteristics. (B)Arrange inter-school visits and demonstrations to promote teacher profession. 3.For local education administration authority (A)Revise rules of rewards and punishments to encourage efficient curriculum managers. (B)Competitions must be held to stimulate teachers to work on curriculum design. (C)Provide a better budget to the schools which have great achievements on curriculum management. (D)Break the false ideas about rates of entering senior high schools. 4.For further studies (A)This topic are still worthy to study further. (B)The study design may increase questionnaire and be proceeded prospectively. (C)The studies can be approached to compare the different curriculum designs between different grades, between schools with different capacities, and between schools in different counties.



彈性學習節數, 特色課程, 課程管理, 個案研究, Alternative Learning Periods, flexible curriculum, curriculum management, case study





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