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本研究旨在探討「汽車服務廠廠長領導能力」,並完成下列四項研究目的:(1)了解汽車服務廠員工對廠長的領導能力的評價;(2)探討不同背景的汽車服務廠員工對於廠長領導能力的評價之差異;(3)探討不同組織背景的汽車服務廠及廠長的領導能力之差異。 經蒐集有關的文獻後,以美國國家品質獎(Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award)標準中的「領導」項目的評分內容為基礎,並綜合各學者對領導能力構面的看法,並配合汽車服務廠之特性,經過專家內容效度分析、項目分析及內部一致性信度分析後,發展出「汽車服務廠廠長領導能力調查問卷」,計分發568份問卷,回收有效問卷共451份,所得資料經次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、單一樣本t考驗和單因子變異數分析等方法進行分析。 整體而言,汽車服務廠員工對廠長的領導能力評價偏向正向,在員工個人背景及服務廠組識背景中有些達顯著差異的現象,而在員工個人背景的本廠的服務年資、從事汽車服務業工作年資、教育程度及教育背景等自變項中,對領導能力五個構面中並未達到顯著差異,表示這些員工自變項中並不影響廠長領導能力的表現。
The purpose of the study was to explore the “leadership of the Managers of Automotive service shop” and fulfill the following four purposes: (1) to understand the rating employees at an Automotive service shop have for the leadership of the Managers; (2) to explore the difference in rating employees of different backgrounds have for the leadership of the Managers; (3) to explore the difference in the organization of different Automotive service shop and the leadership of the Managers. Based on the category of “leadership” in the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the “Questionnaire on the Leadership of Automotive service Shop Managers” was developed after reviewing relevant literatures, summarizing different scholars’ perspectives on leadership, considering the characteristics in automotive service shops, and being tested for expert content validity, item analysis, and reliability. A total of 451 copies were sent out, and the acquired data was later analyzed with frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Some variables in the category of employees’ personal background and the Automotive service shop’s organizational background show significant differences. The independent variables of employees’ seniority in the auto shop, seniority in the automotive service industry, and level of education in the category of employees’ personal background show no significant difference towards the five aspects of leadership, indicating these independent variables of employees do not affect Automotive service shop managers’ leadership.



汽車服務廠, 廠長, 領導能力, Automotive Service Shop, Manager, Leadership





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