
dc.contributorKang, Min-Pingen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Pingen_US
dc.description.abstract愛心零錢箱募款是台灣非營利組織的募款方式中重要的方式之一。愛心零錢箱募款的特色是成本小,募款收入高,因此透過愛心零錢箱募款成為台灣眾多非營利組織對外募款時廣為使用的方法。其中財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會擺放愛心零錢箱的限制以及針對愛心零錢箱所做的行銷活動規劃,都具有相當的獨特性和代表性。 由於財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會的愛心零錢箱只擺放在全台灣麥當勞餐廳中,本研究透過量化分析,研究台灣麥當勞餐廳對愛心零錢箱的影響,依照餐廳區域分布、商圈型態以及擺放的捐款箱數量分析研究。並以財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會在2014年「最有價值的一塊錢」以及2015年「愛不找零」針對愛心零錢箱所做的行銷募款活動,進行個案分析,同時結合RICC「察覺-動機-能力-方便」(Recognition – Inspiration – Competence - Convenience) ,找出影響愛心捐款箱捐款人捐款行動的因素。 研究結果如下: 1.財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會擺放在全台灣麥當勞餐廳中的愛心零錢箱募款收入,並不會因為麥當勞餐廳的區域分布而有所影響。 2.台灣麥當勞餐廳中以兒童家庭市場為主的商圈型態比重越高,對財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會所擺放的愛心零錢箱募款收入越高。 3.財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會擺放的愛心零錢箱越多,對募款的收入也會越高。 4.財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會2014年「最有價值的一塊錢」和2015年「愛不找零」愛心零錢箱行銷募款活動,都讓愛心零錢箱募款有較高的募款收入。 本研究的重點在於財團法人麥當勞叔叔之家慈善基金會愛心零錢箱募款之研究,同時結合RICC來分析捐款人捐款行動。研究目的是期望找出影響愛心零錢箱募款收入的原因,並且洞悉捐款人捐款行動,作為國內其他非營利組織愛心零錢箱募款之參考。 關鍵字:愛心零錢箱、捐款人捐款行動zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFundraising through donation box is one of the most important ways of raising funds for nonprofit organizations in Taiwan. The benefit and feature of fundraising through donation box is small cost but fundraising income will be higher. Recently, through donation box to raise funds has been become the most popular way for many Taiwan nonprofit organizations. Among all the nonprofit organizations, even there are few limited restrictions to place donation box of Ronald McDonald House Charity Taiwan (RMHC Taiwan) in the McDonald’s Taiwan restaurants and RMHC Taiwan’s successful performance of the annual donation box marketing fundraising campaign, the total fundraising income from donation box of RMHC Taiwan are quite unique and representative. As a result of the donation box of RMHC Taiwan is only placed in the whole McDonald's Taiwan restaurants, this study using McDonald's Taiwan restaurants area distribution, business district type and the number of donation boxes as variables to do quantitative analysis to find out the impact of donation box of RMHC Taiwan. And doing case study of RMHC Taiwan’s “the Most Valuable Change" in 2014 and the "Change for Love" in 2015 marketing and fundraising campaigns which also combined with RICC(Recognition – Inspiration – Competence - Convenience) to identify the factors that affect the donor's donation action. The results are as follows: 1. The donation box of RMHC Taiwan which is placed in the McDonald's Taiwan restaurants will not be affected by the area distribution of the McDonald's Taiwan restaurants. 2. McDonald's Taiwan restaurants, children and family market-based business district, the higher the proportion business district type the higher fundraising income of donation box of RMHC Taiwan. 3. Ronald McDonald House Charity Taiwan placed more number of donation boxes, the higher fundraising income will be raised. 4. Ronald McDonald House Charity Taiwan “the Most Valuable Change" in 2014 and the "Change for Love" in 2015 marketing and fundraising campaigns, both two marketing fundraising campaigns raised a higher fundraising income. This study focus on donation box of Ronald McDonald House Charity Taiwan and combined with RICC(Recognition – Inspiration – Competence - Convenience) to identify the factors that affect the donor's donation action. The purpose of the study is to find out the reasons that affect the fundraising income of donation box and to understand the donor's donation action and hope it can be as a reference for other nonprofit organizations. Keywords: Donation Box, Donors donation actionen_US
dc.subjectDonation Boxen_US
dc.subjectDonor's donation actionen_US
dc.titleFundraising of Donation Box of Non-Profit Organizations – A Case Study of Ronald McDonald House Charity Taiwanen_US

