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由於疫情的爆發,大家對於健康的意識逐漸提升,進而帶動了運動品牌的商機,而當今各大運動服飾品牌也將官方Instagram帳號視為重要的行銷渠道。然而在這樣網路發達、資訊爆炸的時代中,如何在眾多資訊中抓住消費者的目光是當今相當重要的課題。為了吸引消費者,各品牌開始運用各種創意,例如著重在版面以及貼文設計來吸引消費者目光,又或是邀請相關領域影響者來提升品牌的曝光度。為了釐清上述要素,本研究以量化研究和質化研究分別探討運動服飾品牌貼文設計以及運動領域影響者所發佈之貼文。第一部分量化研究採用實驗法,在眾多視覺元素中挑選顏色作為切入點,設計出四組以顏色一致性為主的情境,分別為顏色(一致vs不一致) x (貼文單篇照片vs帳號整體版面),進而釐清這些情境對情緒反應(愉悅、喚起)與行銷傳播成效(品牌態度、頁面造訪意願、網路口碑分享)的影響。募集300位受試者進行實驗,結果為無論在版面或單篇照片中,顏色一致時都會顯著刺激情感反應,並產生愉悅以及喚起的感受。此外,愉悅和喚起的情緒反應皆會影響品牌態度、網路口碑意願和網頁造訪意願。第二部分則是質化研究,採內容分析法進行實驗,蒐集四種不同運動品牌的影響者貼文,共613筆,分別分析影響者發佈之貼文,並由文字、圖像兩大面向去分析,欲釐清何種形式能有較好的成效。而本研究發現圖片中,對時尚類運動服飾品牌影響者來說服裝穿搭顏色一致會有較好的成效表現。而實用類則是在能彰顯產品應用的場景與情境下拍攝會有較高的成效。文字的部分則是兩類運動品牌影響者以客觀的角度敘述產品、並適時使用Emoji可以促進貼文成效。本研究結果有利於運動品牌方,與運動品牌影響者經營Instagram帳號的行銷傳播策略作為參考依據。
Due to the pandemic of Covid-19, people's awareness of health is gradually increasing, which in turn rises the business opportunities for sport brands. Additionally, each of the sportswear brands also consider their official Instagram account as an important marketing tool. However, in such an era of information explosion, how to capture consumer’s attention in the mass of information has become a critical issue. To capture people’s eyes, many brands use various creative ways to attract consumer’s attention on Instagram, such as designing layouts and posting or inviting influencers which are in related fields to increase brand’s impression. To clarify the above elements, this study will use both quantitative and qualitative research to explore the sportswear brand posts design and also the posts by influencers which are in the sports field.The first part of the quantitative research will employ the laboratory experimental method to manipulate four scenarios of color consistency, color (congruence vs. incongruence) x (single photo of post vs. whole layout), to clarify the effect of these scenarios on emotions (pleasure, arousal) and the marketing communication (brand attitude, web visit intention, eWOM sharing). The research recruited 300 subjects to conduct the experiment. The result of the research was that no matter in which conditions, when the color is consistent it can produce pleasure and arousal emotions significantly. Accordingly, both pleasure and arousal will significantly effect on brand attitude, eWom sharing and web visit intention.The second part is qualitative research, using the content analysis method, the experiment had collected influencers posts, with a total of 613 posts, which were from four different types of sports brands. By analyzing the content with text and images, research can clarify which kind of post form can have a better effect on post performance. In this study the research found that for fashion types of sportswear brand influencers, wearing clothes with consistent color will have better post performance. On the other hand, for functional sport apparel brand influencers, shooting scenes which match the application of the product will have higher post performance. Last, when it comes to the text part. For both fashion and functional types of sportswear brand influencers, describe the product with objective point of view, and using Emoji can promote the effectiveness of the post.Overall, the outcome of this study can provide several implications for brands and influencers to manage their official Instagram account.
Due to the pandemic of Covid-19, people's awareness of health is gradually increasing, which in turn rises the business opportunities for sport brands. Additionally, each of the sportswear brands also consider their official Instagram account as an important marketing tool. However, in such an era of information explosion, how to capture consumer’s attention in the mass of information has become a critical issue. To capture people’s eyes, many brands use various creative ways to attract consumer’s attention on Instagram, such as designing layouts and posting or inviting influencers which are in related fields to increase brand’s impression. To clarify the above elements, this study will use both quantitative and qualitative research to explore the sportswear brand posts design and also the posts by influencers which are in the sports field.The first part of the quantitative research will employ the laboratory experimental method to manipulate four scenarios of color consistency, color (congruence vs. incongruence) x (single photo of post vs. whole layout), to clarify the effect of these scenarios on emotions (pleasure, arousal) and the marketing communication (brand attitude, web visit intention, eWOM sharing). The research recruited 300 subjects to conduct the experiment. The result of the research was that no matter in which conditions, when the color is consistent it can produce pleasure and arousal emotions significantly. Accordingly, both pleasure and arousal will significantly effect on brand attitude, eWom sharing and web visit intention.The second part is qualitative research, using the content analysis method, the experiment had collected influencers posts, with a total of 613 posts, which were from four different types of sports brands. By analyzing the content with text and images, research can clarify which kind of post form can have a better effect on post performance. In this study the research found that for fashion types of sportswear brand influencers, wearing clothes with consistent color will have better post performance. On the other hand, for functional sport apparel brand influencers, shooting scenes which match the application of the product will have higher post performance. Last, when it comes to the text part. For both fashion and functional types of sportswear brand influencers, describe the product with objective point of view, and using Emoji can promote the effectiveness of the post.Overall, the outcome of this study can provide several implications for brands and influencers to manage their official Instagram account.
品牌, 顏色, 一致性, 情緒, 行銷傳播, brand, Instagram, color, Congruity, emotion, marketing communication