台灣餐旅教育三明治建教學生學習動機與學習型態之研究 | 胡夢蕾 | zh_tw | | 吳明雄 | zh_tw | | 2014-10-27T15:50:44Z | | | 2014-10-27T15:50:44Z | | | 2006-12-?? | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究旨在探討學習理論中的學習動機與Kolb 觀察學習型態在餐旅教育學生學習上之應用。研究對象為四所設有餐旅管理斜靠學校之三明治建教學生,共發出600份問卷,回收有效問卷379份,有效回收率為63.17%。研究工具為結構性問卷,包括學習動機、學習型態量表(KLSI, 1984 )與個人基本資料,研究方法包括因素分析、單因子變異數(ANOVA)、多元迴歸等。研究結果發現,台灣餐旅學生之學習型態以「調適者」居多;學習動機構面可以預測其學習型態之階段構面,教師應視學習的目標、暸解學生個別差異給予鼓勵,促進學生移轉至有效率之學習型態。另外,人口樣本特性中的「性別」與「科系別」會影響學生之學習型態,「年齡」會影響學習動機之「社會服務」。本研究結果有助於我國餐旅教育者在教學訓練與設計課程時參考運用。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | The purposes of this study examine the relationship between of learning motivation and learning styles of Taiwan's sandwich system hospitality students. A survay was distributed to 600 students who had major in hospitality management programs at four schools. Of the 376 valid Samples representing a response ratio of 63.17%, the structured questionnaire included scales such learning motivation, style and difference from different demography by using ANOVA analysis. Empirical results indicate that most hospitality students in Taiwan are "accommodators." Also, gender and majors of demographic variables can influence learning styles; "age" influences the“social service" of learning motivation. Implications on school teachers, teaching and designing curriculum are subsequently discussed. | en_US |
dc.identifier | AE23E42D-4875-D002-93E8-93225AE30B7C | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | 中文 | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 國立台灣師範大學工業教育學系 | zh_tw |
dc.publisher | Department of Industrial Education, NTNU | en_US |
dc.relation | (11),1-30 | zh_TW |
dc.relation.ispartof | 技術及職業教育學報 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 餐旅教育 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 學習動機 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 學習型態 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | hospitality education | en_US |
dc.subject.other | learning motivation | en_US |
dc.subject.other | learning style | en_US |
dc.title | 台灣餐旅教育三明治建教學生學習動機與學習型態之研究 | zh-tw |
dc.title.alternative | The Relationship between Learning Motivation and Learning Styles of Taiwan's Sandwich System Hospitality Students | zh_tw |