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問題背景:運動強度與早餐進食與否皆能夠影響認知功能,但目前尚不清楚兩者交互作用下的影響。目的:探討有無早餐狀態下進行高 (70% 最大攝氧量) 和中低強度(50% 最大攝氧量)的連續 4 公里有氧運動對體重過重及肥胖健康中年人認知執行功能的影響。方法: 12 名(年齡:40 ± 7 歲、BMI:30 ± 3 kg/m2、腰圍:107 ± 7 cm) 的實驗參與者,經12–14 小時隔夜禁食後,隨機分派至四次實驗;晨間進食下高強度運動(Meal-High)、晨間進食下中低強度運動(Meal-Low)、無晨間進食下高強度運動(Fasted-High)、無晨間進食下中低強度運動(Fasted-Low),電腦化認知功能採用旁側干擾測驗(Flanker task)以及任務轉換測驗(Task switching),於基礎值、運動前和運動後兩小時測驗。結果:研究發現,旁側干擾測驗及任務轉換測驗不論在回應正確率和反應時間,四組間皆無顯著差異 (all, p> 0.05)。以進食狀態 (Fasted and Meal) 及運動強度 (Low and High intensity) 分類資料進行比較,有早餐組一般型任務轉換測驗反應時間快於無早餐組 (p = 0.009);有早餐組混合型任務轉換測驗 ( p = 0.038) 和旁側干擾測驗一致情境 (p = 0.037) 回應準確率優於無早餐組;低強度組混合型任務轉換測驗回應準確率優於高強度組 (p = 0.028)。結論:肥胖、過重中年人進食早餐後進行運動相較於不吃早餐有更佳的執行功能表現;不論進食狀態,中低強度運動相較於高強度運動對認知表現助益較高。
Background: Breakfast consumption and exercise both have been shown to acutely influence cognitive performances but it is still unclear whether cognition could be affected by the interactive effects of different exercise intensity with and without breakfast intake. Purposes: To investigate the acute effects of high- and low-to-moderate intensity (70% versus 50% of maximum oxygen uptake) exercise with(out) breakfast consumption on cognition in healthy middle-aged adults with central overweight/obesity. Methods: Participants with overweight/obesity completed four trials in a randomized, cross-over fashion; Fasted Low-to-moderate intensity (FL), Meal Low-to-moderate intensity (ML), Fasted High-intensity (FH) and Meal High-intensity (MH). Computerized cognitive tasks included general and mixed task-switching tasks and flanker task were tested at baseline, before exercise and two hours after exercise. Results: There was no difference in any of cognitive performance (i.e., accuracy and reaction time in general and mixed task-switching tasks and flanker task) between 4 trials (all, p> 0.05). Whilst comparing feeding status and exercise intensity, the results showed that the reaction time of the general task-switching test in the group with breakfast was faster than that in the group without breakfast (p = 0.009); the response accuracy of the mixed task-switching (p = 0.038) and flank task (p = 0.037) in the group with breakfast was faster than that in the group without breakfast; The low-intensity group had better response accuracy on the mixed task-switching test than thehigh-intensity group (p = 0.028). Conclusion: Obese and overweight middle-aged people obtain better executive function performance while consuming breakfast prior to exercise than without breakfast. In the exercise intensity option, low-to-moderate intensity generates better than high intensity.



認知功能, 執行功能, 隔夜禁食, 中年人, Cognition, Executive function, Fasting, Middle-aged adults





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