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摘要 藝術文化是當代社會可用以治療人心的一帖良方,美化社會必先美化心靈;因此,建立一套正確的價值觀至為攸關,藉由水彩畫藝術之展覽與傳播來美化心靈,可形成美好氛圍、促進社會和諧。 藝術的產生來自時代與環境,同時也來自產業的興起;當今科技之發達,雖然新媒體與傳統媒體有其差異性,但是新媒體展示藝術作品的再創作、再詮釋與再強化,所以新媒體和傳統媒體的互相整合已是這個世代必然的新趨勢。 傳播推動著社會的發展,是一種社會組織行為;社會中的每一個分子,均須仰賴傳播建立聯繫、互通訊息,使整個社會的各個成員建立共通的信念,接受共同的社會規範,進而建構良善的社會行為與關係。 本研究在藝術傳播理論之文獻上,探討藝術傳播的媒介、藝術展覽與傳播趨勢,以及水彩畫與陳陽春老師繪畫源流。在研究方法方面,本研究以陳陽春之水彩畫進行個案研究,首先以內容分析法耙梳水彩畫分別在新媒體與傳統媒體之展覽與傳播方式,並以此檢討與改進,同時以深度訪談法特別專訪陳陽春、陳奕璇、黃盟欽、鄭綸四位專家學者。 經典之作的藝術品,亙古不變的歷史價值,長存於美術館與博物館,總有深藏於象牙塔裡珍品之孤芳自賞,是無法達到廣為流傳的目的;因此,希冀藉此研議更多展覽方式與傳播管道,將好的水彩藝術透過新媒體的語彙廣為流傳,以達到雅俗共享的理想。
Abstract Art is a good recipe for healing people. To purify our society, we have to purify our souls in advance. Therefore, it is very important to set up ethical value in our culture. Spreading out watercolor art is a way to enhance beautiful atmosphere to bring harmony to our society. Art arises from eras and environments, and also contributed by the industries. With the rapid development of technology nowadays, multimedia has reformed and integrated of the exhibition and communication of arts. This has been an inevitable new trend in our generation, no matter for traditional or new media. Communication is one driving force of social development, and influences the behavior of people in our society. In fact, it is a very important element in our society and culture. Furthermore, it functions to connect members in society to establish common belief, to accept regular social norms, and to build up a generous social behavior and relationship. In the literature of this research, I explore the media of art communication, the exhibitions of art and communication. I also introduce the development of watercolor in art history, and the artist Yang-Chun Chen, the keynote of watercolor and his background. For research methods, case study was applied majorly on Yang-Chun Chen’s watercolor art. Content analysis was also employed to analyze the modern and traditional exhibition for watercolor arts, for discussion and improvement. In addition, depth interviews method was applied on four artists and scholars to answer the research question in this study. Classic artworks are valuably kept and displayed in the museum. They are somewhat like narcissistic treasures hidden in the ivory tower and is unable to be widespread. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to consider more ways and channels for exhibitions to promote the valuable works of art to public via new media, in order to reach more in our community.



新媒體, 水彩畫, 展覽, 傳播, new media, watercolor, exhibition, communication





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