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本研究旨在探討國民中學總務主任工作壓力與因應策略之間的關聯。 為達成此研究目的,研究者依據研究目的與文獻探討結果及研究假設並 參考專家學者、指導教授等意見建立研究架構,編擬研究程序。本研究採用 問卷調查研究法,研究者編制「台灣地區公立國民中學總務主任工作壓力與 因應策略之研究」問卷,針對台灣地區公立國民中學總務主任採普查方式進 行問卷調查,再以SPSS 統計套裝軟體統計分析其結果。 經問卷統計分析後,本研究獲得初步成果如下: 一、國民中學總務主任在「專業知能」構面上,達到中等程度的工作壓 力感受。 二、國民中學總務主任在面臨工作壓力時,大多採取正向的因應策略去 解決問題,較少使用負面的因應策略方式。 三、工作壓力感受不同的國民中學總務主任其壓力因應策略方面 1、「低壓力組」的國民中學總務主任採用正向的壓力因應策略的頻 率最高。 2、「高壓力組」的國民中學總務主任在「延宕處理」方面大於「低 壓力組」及「中壓力組」之國民中學總務主任。 四、國民中學總務主任工作壓力與因應策略的相關分析 工作壓力與壓力因應策略之間有顯著的正相關,且工作壓力與 壓力因應策略之間,具有一對顯著的典型相關存在。故工作壓力愈 大者,在壓力因應之「問題解決」、「邏輯思考」、「尋求支持」、「情 緒調適」之能力就愈低;較會使用「延宕處理」。 建議如下: 一、對教育主管行政機關的建議 1、妥善規劃主任儲訓課程與慎選師資,培養具有總務專業素養的 主任。 2、加強國民中學總務主任在職進修、工作研討會與聯誼活動。 3、增加十二班以下總務處專任組長的編制。 4、成立縣府統一發包單位及建置總務行政之專業網站。 5、精簡文書、報表量化及減少不必要的評鑑報告。 6、開辦總務人員認識工作壓力與因應之心理建設相關課程。 7、適時獎勵,鼓舞士氣。 二、對校長的建議 1、適當協助並減少總務主任作決定所受的外在壓力。 2、校長與總務主任間應建立理性的互動與溝通模式。 3、落實總務處相關人員的專業技能。 三、對國民中學總務主任的建議 1、做好個人心理的自我調適,國民中學總務主任的工作值得嘗試 與付出。 2、建立良好的的人際關係與社會支持網路。 3、自我充實,提昇專業形象。 4、靈活運用各種壓力因應策略。 最後,希望能將研究結果呈現給教育行政主管單位、校長、國民中學總 務主任及有志成為未來的國民中學總務主任參考。
The purpose of this research is for studying the relationship between the Job stress and Coping Strategies of the Chief General Affairs in Junior High School. To achieve this purpose, the researcher built up a research structure based on the object of the research, result of publication study, assumption for the research, the opinions and comments of experts and instructing professors and compiled a research procedure. This research adopted questionnaire investigation with questionnaire designed by the researcher, --“Research on the Job Stress and Coping Strategies of the Chief General Affairs in Junior High School in Taiwan” to make consensus over the Chief General Affairs in Junior High School analyze the results with SPSS Statistical package Software. After statistical analysis of the questionnaire, the research findings are as the follows: 1. The Chief General Affairs in Junior High School feel higher than medium Job stress in Professional Knowledge aspect. 2. The Chief General Affairs in Junior High School, when facing with work stress, are mostly adopting positive reaction strategy in solving problem and less with negative reaction strategy. 3. In the stress coping strategies of the Chief General Affairs in Junior High School of different level of Job stress are 1) Low Stress Group Chief General Affairs in Junior High School have highest frequency in dealing with Positive Stress Coping Strategy 2) High Stress Group Chief General Affairs in Junior High School have higher probability in dealing with Postpone than Low Stress Group and Medium Stress Group Chief General Affairs in Junior High School. 4. Analysis of Correlation between Job Stress and Coping Strategies of the Chief General Affairs in Junior High School There are significant positive correlation between Job Stress and Coping Strategies, and between them, there is a significant typical correlation existed, hence the higher the Job stress the lower the Problem Solution, Logic Thinking, Seeking Support and Emotional Adjustment and more likely to adopt Postpone. Our suggestions are: 1. For the education administration agencies, they are suggested to 1) Proper planning the chief training course and careful selecting teachers to prepare the chief with professional culture in general affairs 2) Increase the on-the-job training, work shop and social activities for Chief General Affairs in Junior High School 3) Increase team leader position for General Affairs for school of less than 12 classes. 4) Establish General Contracting Unit in County Government and professional website for the general affair services. 5) Simplify documents to be in list form and reduce unnecessary appraisal report. 6) Hold courses related to the psychological construction with regards to the understanding of Job stress and coping strategies for general affairs personnel. 7) Timely incentive and motivation to promote morality. 2. For school principals 1) Properly assist chief of general affairs and reduce the external stress subjected when making decision. 2) There shall be reasonable interactive and communication modes between the principal and chief of general affairs 3) Ensure the professional skill of staff in general affairs offices 3. For Chief General Affairs in Junior High School 1) Make good mental preparation for adjustment in managing the jobs of Chief General Affairs in Junior High School, which is worth to try and to devote to. 2) Establish sound human relationship and social supporting network. 3) Enrich you self and promote professional image. 4) Skillfully use all kind of measures to deal with stress. Finally, it is hoped that the results of the research to the education administration agencies, principals, Directors of General Affairs of Junior High School and those who intend to be one in the future.



國民中學總務主任, 工作壓力, 因應策略, Chief General Affairs in Junior High School, Job stress, coping strategy





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