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本研究旨在探討普普藝術(Pop Art)在臺灣的發展及其與社會的互動。普普藝術源於20世紀50年代的英國,後來在美國興盛。普普藝術融合了大中生活元素,時常利用流行文化、政治、商業等符號,通過大量重複拼貼的技法,表現資本主義和大眾文化對藝術的影響,普普藝術也因而受到藝術市場歡迎,在世界各地區傳播並造成影響,包括臺灣。本文除了藝術史的方式,也結合藝術社會學的方式考察臺灣普普藝術形成的背景,依照社會環境、藝術史發展與主要出現之題材,整理普普藝術從1960年代至今的發展脈絡,將其分為五個階段:引進初期(1963 -1970)、懷鄉期(1971 -1986)、政治普普期(1987 -1991)、摸索期(1992 -1999),以及發展期(2000 -至今)。接著也依據主題,將作品材料分為三個類別:政治普普、商業普普與生活普普。本文以此分期與分類,從社會角度切入,探討普普藝術如何在臺灣藝壇深根發展,從而發現其在臺灣的發展不只反映藝術接納,也反映臺灣在接受西方文化,受社會制度衝擊的西化過程。展現當地社會和文化的變遷,也展示臺灣與全球藝術潮流的互動。
The purpose of this study is to examine the development of Pop Art in Taiwan and its interaction with society. Pop art originated in the United Kingdom in the 1950s and later flourished in the United States. Pop Art incorporates elements of everyday life, often using symbols from pop culture, politics, and business, and expresses the influence of capitalism and mass culture on art through a large number of repetitive collage techniques, which has made Pop Art popular in the art market and spread and made an impact in various regions of the world, including Taiwan.In addition to the art historical approach, this paper also combines the sociological approach to examine the background of the formation of Pop Art in Taiwan. Based on the social environment, the development of art history, and the major themes that have emerged, the development of Pop Art from the 1960s to the present has been divided into five stages: the early introduction stage (1963 -1970), the nostalgic period (1971 -1983), the political Pop period (1984 -1991), the exploratory period (1992-1992), the exploration period (1992 -1999), and the development period (2000-present). 1991), the period of exploration (1992 -1999), and the period of development (2000 -). Then, according to the theme, the materials of the works are divided into three categories: Political Pop, Commercial Pop, and Life Pop. Through this staging and categorization, this paper explores the deep roots of Pop Art in the Taiwanese art scene from a social perspective, and finds that its development in Taiwan reflects not only artistic acceptance, but also the process of Westernization as Taiwan accepts Western culture and is influenced by the social system. It shows the changes in local society and culture, as well as the interaction between Taiwan and global art trends.



臺灣藝術, 普普藝術, 大眾文化, 次文化, Taiwan art, Pop Art, Mass culture, Subculture





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