
dc.contributorFeng, Li-Yiaen_US
dc.contributor.authorYian, Zih-Enen_US
dc.description.abstract在中學後段校園中,服務學習課程欲達成之效益,與公民與社會科課程及教學之目的相輔相成。現場教師普遍肯定服務學習方案的課程效益,但因課程時間不足而遲滯不發展結合課程議題並規劃服務學習活動。故研究者運用綜合活動課程時間帶領一個服務性社團,試行結合公民與社會科課程中的資訊倫理概念,規劃一持續性、密集性的服務學習方案,提供給中學後段的教師參考課程時間分配,希望在未來能遍及於全國各高中職,以有助於延續並連結學生服務經驗。 本研究蒐集研究者省思札記、服務者的活動心得回饋單、服務者半結構式訪談之紀錄、協同研究者的觀察及訪談紀錄等質性資料,歸納分析服務者在參與運用資訊倫理議題之服務學習方案中,在公民行動取向課程模式「覺知與關懷」、「探究與增能」、「公民行動」三個階段能力上的學習經歷與學習成效。 透過質性資料可知,普遍參與服務學習方案的學生能削弱其對社區、服務的刻板印象進而覺知社會問題、服務學習的概念,發揮關愛他人、關懷社區並建立多元文化觀;在準備服務學習公民行動的階段中,能為確實滿足服務單位的需求而探究社會議題、課程知識,並增進自我學習能力以解決所發現或欲改善的社會現象;最後發展三次持續性、密集性的服務學習方案,歷經四個月的時間運用高中公民與社會課程中資訊倫理課程議題,設計以網路購物詐騙為遊戲主題貫穿三次服務學習方案。服務者質性資料中表示在服務知能、課程知識學習、領導能力、品德等面向上皆有增能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research of the results of participation in Service-Learning program of senior high students. Abstract In the senior high school education, the results of the Service-Learning program are matched with the instructional objectives of Civic and Society course. Generally speaking teachers agree that Service-Learning program will benefit students to develope their Civic awareness and to apply their gained skills in class; however due to the limitation of class time, it is hard for teachers to fit Service-Learning program into the current practice. Therefore, this research is to provide another possibility – using Integrated Activity Curriculum time to build up a “Service Society”. This Service Society is trying to combine the concept of Information Ethics in Civic and Society course and to further plan a continuous and intensive Service-Learning program. This concept of Service Society also can be introduced to teachers of senior high education system to run the society depending on their time arrangement of courses. Moving forward, hopefully the concept of Service Society can be widely applied at senior high schools and vocational schools within Taiwan to continuously connect students’ experiences of the service-learning they have brought from junior high schools. This research first step is to collect the researcher’s review of class log, feedbacks from students of Service-Learning program, semi-constructed interview data of participants of Service-Learning program, observations from the researcher and the interview data. And the second step is to analyze what the learning experience and learning outcome are for senior high students while participating the Service-Learning program – how they perform and act on the Civic Action Approach Curriculum, Perception and Concern and Probe and Empowerment these three key areas of Service-Learning program. This research shows that the participants of the service learning program break their stereotypes of the community and the concept of doing service, arouse their social awareness, improve the concept of doing service, learn how to concern the society and others and further establish the multicultural perspectives. In order to fulfill the needs of the service units, this research also discusses about social issues and knowledge of the curriculum to improve the self-learning ability of students for them to solve the challenges and any other discoveries or improvement of social phenomena they found in the community while servicing. During the research, there are three times of the service learning program have been developed with continuity and intensity within four months and to be applied Information Ethics of Civic and Society course in the senior high school. These three times of the Service-Learning program are designed as the topic of fraud of online shopping. In short, according to the analysis of the data and the research, the service course activities’ related skills and knowledge, leadership and morality of participants are all positively improved.en_US
dc.subjectCivic and Societyen_US
dc.subjectAction Research on the Civic Action Approachen_US
dc.titleThe research of the results of participation in Service-Learning program of senior high students.en_US


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