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本三年期連續性研究之目的為: 一、建置、試用與形成性評估結構式網路化檔案評量系統 (第一年)。 二、建構與使用網路化檔案評量標準,並驗證其信、效度 (第二年)。 三、總結性評估系統功效,並以實驗研究檢測系統的使用對學習成效之影響 (第三年)。 第一年建置的「結構式網路化檔案評量系統」可提供學習者具結構化的固定式表單 來填寫相關資料,並依適當的指引逐步完成學習歷程檔案的製作,每人的檔案格式與 內容項目相同,方便教師評量之用。 第二年透過文獻分析、專家討論、預試等過程建構網路化檔案評量標準,並以高 職計算機概論課程一班的學生為教學實驗對象。實驗結束後,蒐集檔案評量資料並進 行統計分析,以檢驗檔案評量標準與評量方式之信、效度。 第三年除了總結性評估系統的功效(使用滿意度、態度、能力、效果四面向),另 採實驗研究法,以高職計算機概論課程兩班的學生為教學實驗對象。其中一班學生約 四十名為實驗組,使用結構化式網路化檔案評量系統,另一班學生約四十名為控制組, 未使用系統。以t 檢定或多變量共變數分析(排除可能影響因素,譬如學者動機)檢驗 兩組在自我認知學習成效(態度、能力、效果)上的差異及,及兩組在學習成效(作品、 測驗)上的的差異。
This continuous research for three years period aims to: 1. Construct and formatively evaluation a structured web portfolio assessment system (1st year). 2.Build and use the portfolio assessment rubrics as well as identify their reliability and validity (2nd year). 3. Identify the system by a summative evaluation and conduct an experimental study to explore the impacts of the system on learning effects (3rd year). The structured web portfolio assessment system constructed on the first year may provide learners with structured and formulated form to fill out relevant information, and guide them to complete the production of their portfolios. As the content and form of each student』s portfolio are almost same, it is easier to assess students』 learning for teachers. On the second year, the portfolio assessment rubrics will be built through literature analysis, expert discussions and pilot study. The rubrics will be identified by conducting a empirical study based on a computer course at a vocational school. Finally, data will be gathered and analyzed to verify the reliability and validity of the rubrics and assessment methods. On the third year, besides identifying the system by a summative evaluation (including four aspects: use satisfaction, attitude, ability and effect), an experimental study will be conducted based two classes of computer course at a vocational school. One class of around 40 students using the system is experimental group, on the contrary, the other class of the same size not using the system is controlled group. Finally, data will be gathered and analyzed to verify the differences of self-perceived effectiveness (including attitude, ability and effect) between the two groups by using t test or MANCOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Covariance) (excluding, for instance, motivation) statistical methods. The same statistical methods will be used to verify the differences of works and testing achievement between the two groups.
This continuous research for three years period aims to: 1. Construct and formatively evaluation a structured web portfolio assessment system (1st year). 2.Build and use the portfolio assessment rubrics as well as identify their reliability and validity (2nd year). 3. Identify the system by a summative evaluation and conduct an experimental study to explore the impacts of the system on learning effects (3rd year). The structured web portfolio assessment system constructed on the first year may provide learners with structured and formulated form to fill out relevant information, and guide them to complete the production of their portfolios. As the content and form of each student』s portfolio are almost same, it is easier to assess students』 learning for teachers. On the second year, the portfolio assessment rubrics will be built through literature analysis, expert discussions and pilot study. The rubrics will be identified by conducting a empirical study based on a computer course at a vocational school. Finally, data will be gathered and analyzed to verify the reliability and validity of the rubrics and assessment methods. On the third year, besides identifying the system by a summative evaluation (including four aspects: use satisfaction, attitude, ability and effect), an experimental study will be conducted based two classes of computer course at a vocational school. One class of around 40 students using the system is experimental group, on the contrary, the other class of the same size not using the system is controlled group. Finally, data will be gathered and analyzed to verify the differences of self-perceived effectiveness (including attitude, ability and effect) between the two groups by using t test or MANCOVA (Multivariate Analysis of Covariance) (excluding, for instance, motivation) statistical methods. The same statistical methods will be used to verify the differences of works and testing achievement between the two groups.