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Department of Industrial Education, NTNU


二十一世紀為知識經濟的時代,因此學術單位與企業機構莫不致力於發展與推廣 e-learning,經過本研究蒐集歷年之相關文獻與資料,發現國內針對語文科目、生物科目以及地理科目採用e-learning之相關研究尚有,但針對商業科目採用e-learning之相關研究則付之闕如。隨著二十一世紀電腦科技與視聽媒體不斷地蓬勃發展,以 e-learning來推廣商業課程似乎已成為時代必然的趨勢,故本研究以高雄餐旅學院為例,採用立意抽樣的方法,自九個(科)系各抽取45位與180位修過商業科目之學生作為預試以及正式問卷的研究樣本,並以「學生使用e-learning於商業科目之現況調查」與「學生使用e-learning於商業科目之接受度量表」為研究工具,透過描述性統計分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Kruskal-wallis單因子等級變異數檢定以及卡方檢定等,進行統計考驗,以針對學生使用。蜘e-learning於商業科目之現況與接受度做一深入的探討。本研究結果之發現主要有下:一、高雄餐旅學院學生使用數位學習(e-learning)於商業科目之情況尚不普及,相較於文科與理工科之發展,進度稍嫌遲緩。二、高雄餐旅學院學生使用數位學習(e-learning)學習商業科目之每週與每天頻率均不高,最多集中於每週1-2天,每天 2-4小時。三、高雄餐旅學院學生使用e-learning學習商業科目之滿意度普遍偏高,顯示採用數位內容的學習模式教授商業科目之方向值得繼續推廣與努力。四、性別與電腦技能對於高雄餐旅學院學生使用e-learning學習商業科目之接受度並無顯著之影響。五、學制對於高雄餐旅學院學生使用e-learning學習商業科目之接受度於「學習成效」此構面上達到顯著差異,顯示二技與四技之學生於此構面上對於使用數位學習(e-learning)之接受度較高。六、高雄餐旅學院學生是否具有使用數位學習(e-learning)的經驗對於學生使用數位學習(e-learning)於商業科目之接受度有顯著影響,顯示若學生具有使用數位學習(e-learning) 之經驗,對於再次使用數位學習(e-learning)於商業科目之接受度會大大地提高。七、「學制」與「學生是否具有使用數位學習(e-learning)於商業科目的經驗」有關,雖然效果並不十分顯著,但高雄餐旅學院的二技生與四技生確實較二專生有更多機會使用e-learning學習商業科目。
The twenty-first century is knowledge economy era, so both academic institutions and enterprises now exert great efforts on the development and promotion of e-learning. After reviewing the available related literature, several research studies on e-learning with regard to courses in languages, biology, and geography were found. However there were few studies regarding business courses. As computer technology and audio media are developing in full flourish, it seems that applying e-learning to the promotion of business courses has become an indispensable trend of the time. This research thus took Kaohsiung Hospitality College (KHC) as example, aiming to make a thorough investigation into the status quo as well as the students' level of acceptance in applying e-learning to business courses. This research was adopted purposive sampling, using "the survey for the status quo of the students' applying e-learning to business courses" and "the rating scale for the students' level of acceptance for applying e-learning to business courses" as research tools to undergo statistical tests by means of descriptire statistical analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA, kruskal-wallis test and chi-square test. The research results were as follows for students and teachers to apply e-learning to business course: i. Applying e-learning for business courses is not common for the students in KHC. Compared with the development in the departments of liberal arts, science, and engineering, the progress is retardant.ii. The students' use in applying e-learning for business courses is not frequent in KHC, most concentrated on 1-2 days a week, 2-4 hours a day.iii. The students' level of satisfaction in applying e-learning for business courses is pretty high as a whole in KHC; consequently, the pattern of applying e-learning for business courses is worthy to promote and make efforts.iv. Gender and computer skills do not greatly affect the students' level of acceptance in applying e-learning for business






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