

本研究在探討女性婚後婆媳關係的和諧度。研究採分層叢集方便抽樣,樣 本取自台北市、台北縣、高雄市、高雄縣、台南縣、嘉義縣之幼稚園、國 小、國中、高中學生之母親進行問卷調查,問卷發出2,339份,回收1,752 份,刪除廢卷共得1,257份有效的樣本。本研究工具包含『婆媳和諧關係量 表』、『角色規範量表』、『原生家庭支持量表』、『丈夫支持量表』以及 『個人基本資料』。研究結果以SPSS11.5統計軟體進行資料分析,統計方法 包括描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多元階層迴歸。分析結果如下: 一、現況 1. 已婚女性的婆媳關係整體來說趨於和諧。 2. 已婚女性與原生家庭的聯繫較與婆家的聯繫為多。 3 已婚女性若與長輩同住則仍以與公婆同住居多。 4. 原生家庭對已婚女性提供很多的支持。 5. 丈夫對女性的支持以工具性支持多於情感性支持,而女性對丈夫所提供 支持的滿意度極高。 二、角色規範之分析 所有女性最認同角色規範中之孝親敬祖,而對遵從權威與夫意為重是較 不認同的。與婆家同住的女性對角色規範的遵從顯著的高於其他的女性,而 已婚女性與原生家庭的互動不會因角色規範而有顯著的差異。大學以上程 度、從事半專業性以上工作、只生育女孩的女性對角色規範的認同是低於其 他女性;而相較於全職工作、與婆家很少聯繫的女性,家庭主婦、兼職工 作、與婆家聯繫頻繁的女性越認同角色所附予的規範。 三、原生家庭支持之分析 與婆家同住的女性其獲得原生家庭在婚姻與家庭生活方面的支持顯著的 少於自組家庭者;其次,相較於其他教育程度、兼職工作、育有兒女者,教 育程度越高、全職工作、只生育女兒的女性其獲得原生家庭在教養子女部分 較高的支持。相較於與原生家庭不論是否住在同縣市但很少或偶爾才聯繫的 女性,與原生家庭聯繫多的女性則獲得原生家庭的支持也多。 四、丈夫支持之分析 與婆家聯繫少的女性其獲得丈夫的支持顯著的少於其他女性,而與原生 家庭聯繫多的女性其丈夫提供的支持顯著多於其他女性,但丈夫會因子女性 別的不同而對女性提供的支持有差異。 五、解釋角色規範之因素 已婚女性的社經地位越高、全職工作、只生育女孩較不認同角色規範。 相對的,生育子女越多、最小子女的年齡越大、與婆家同住受到角色規範的 影響越大,而很少與婆家聯繫的女性,越不受角色規範的約束。影響角色規 範的因素中以社經地位的解釋力最大。 六、解釋原生家庭支持之因素 已婚女性的社經地位越高、與婆家越少聯繫則獲得原生家庭的支持越 多,而與原生家庭聯繫越少,獲得的支持也越少。影響原生家庭支持的因素 中以社經地位的解釋力最大。 七、解釋丈夫支持之因素 已婚女性的社經地為越高、無工作的女性獲得丈夫的支持最多,而相較 於只生育男孩的女性,丈夫對育有兒女的女性反而提供較少的支持,值得注 意的是與婆家經常聯繫,丈夫的支持較多,而與婆家少聯繫,丈夫的支持也 變少。影響丈夫支持的因素中以社經地位的解釋力最大。 八、解釋婆媳和諧關係之因素 當已婚女性獲得越多丈夫情感性與工具性的支持、原生家庭在教養子女 方面的支持且越認同角色規範之遵從權威與孝親敬祖則婆媳關係越和諧。但 若不論及角色規範時,與婆家維持適當的聯繫,其婆媳關係也越好。 本研究根據以上結果提供建議給予未來研究、女性以及從事家庭教育者規劃 家庭教育方案。
This research aims to study the level of harmony in a mother-and-daughter-in-law relationship after female get married. This study uses stratified cluster convenience sampling. Samples are collected from the questionnaires responded by mothers of kindergarten, elementary, junior high and senior high school students in Taipei city, Taipei county, Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung county, Tainan county and Chiayi county. Out of 2,339 copies of questionnaires distributed, 1,752 copies are collected and 1,257 of which are effective samples. The tools used in this research are: “Mother-and-Daughter-in-law harmonious relationship scale”, “Norms of individual roles scale”, “Support from the family of orientation scale”, “Spouse support scale” and “Demographic informations”. The result data was analyzed with SPSS11.5. Statistic methodology used includes: descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, and multiple hierarchical regression. The analysis results are as follows: I. Current Status 1. Overall the mother-and-daughter-in-law relationship for married women is getting harmonious. 2. Married women keep in touch with their family of orientation better than with in-law’s family. 3. If married women live with the elder generation, they tend to live with their parents-in-law 4. The family of orientation provides lot of support for married women 5. Husbands’ supports to females are more in the form of material support instead of emotional support. Females have a high degree of satisfaction on their husbands’support. II. Analysis on norms of individual roles Of all norms of individual roles, females identify most with “respect for elder relatives and ancestors” and least with “oblige with authority and husband’s opinions”. Females who live with their in-laws oblige significantly more with norms of individual roles than other females, and there are no significant differences for married women in the interaction with family of orientation due to norms of individual roles. Females with university and above education, semi-professional or better occupation and those who have daughters only identify least with norms of individual roles compared with other females; Compared with females working full time and keeping less contact with their in-laws, homemakers, freelancers and females who keep frequent contact with their in-laws identify more with the norms comes with individual roles. III. Analysis on the support from family of orientation Females who live with in-laws obtain significantly less support in marriage and family life from their family of orientation compared with those who live independently; moreover, compared with other females with lower education level, who work part-time and have both sons and daughters, women who have higher education, work full time and have only daughters obtain more support from their family of orientation in child rearing. Compared with females who contact their family of orientation less or infrequently whether they live in the same city/county or not, women who have better contact with their family of orientation obtain more support from their family of orientation. IV. Analysis on spouse support Women who have less contact with in-laws obtain significantly less support from their husbands, and women who have frequent contact with their family of orientation obtain significantly more support from their husbands as compared with other women. However, husbands’ support to females differs with different genders of their children. V. How well the factors explain norms of individual roles Married women who have higher social economical status, have daughters only identify less with norms of individual roles. On the contrary, females who are homemakers,have more children, the older their youngest child is, and live with their in-laws are impacted more by norms of individual roles; women who have less contact with their in-laws are less restricted by norms of individual roles. The factor of social economical status can be used most to explain norms of individual roles. VI. How well the factors explain support from family of orientation The higher the social economical status of married women and the less contact they have with in-laws, the more support they obtain from the family of orientation; the less frequently they contact the family of orientation, the less support they gain. The factor of social economical status can be used most to explain the support from family of orientation. VII. How well the factors explain spouse support Married women with higher social economical status but have no jobs obtain most support from their husbands; compared with women who have sons only, women who have both sons and daughters obtain less support from their husbands. One result noteworthy is that the frequently women contact their in-laws, the more support their husbands would provide, the less frequently women contact their in-laws, the less support their husbands would provide. The factor of social economical status can be used most to explain the support from spouse. VIII. How well the factors explain mother-and-daughter-in- law’s harmonious relationship The more emotional and material support married women received from their husbands, the more child rearing support they obtain from the family of orientation, and the more they identify with the norm of “respecting elder relatives and ancestors”, the more harmonious the mother-and-daughter-in-law relationship will become. However, despite the norms of individual roles, keeping adequate contact with the in-laws will enable a better mother-and-daughter-in-law relationship. This research will base on the above results to provide recommendations to future researchers, females and family educators in planning family education programs.



已婚女性, 角色規範, 原生家庭支持, 丈夫支持, 婆媳和諧關係, married women, norms of individual roles, support from family of orientation, spouse support, mother-and-daughter-in-law harmonious relationship





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