
dc.contributorChu, Yih-hsienen_US
dc.contributor.authorPeng, Chun-Haoen_US
dc.description.abstract在全球日益競爭的高科技產業,人才無疑是企業最重要的資產,如何利用符合企業內部組織的基因,尋找適合的人,放到對的位置上,是目前各家企業最重要的議題之一。 因此,企業為了保持競爭力,甄選工具將顯得格外重要,好的甄選工具可提昇組織的競爭力,進而提高企業的利潤,而本研究將透過個案公司導入之職能適性測驗與個人工作績效作驗證,驗證此甄選工具可有效預測應徵者之未來表現,並建立不同職類之錄取標準方程式,即是本研究探討主軸。 經過個案公司之職能適性測驗成績與個人工作績效成績的統計分析,本研究的確驗證甄選工具是可預測部份職能未來工作績效等第,並建立各項職能高、低分行為表現模式,提供個案公司甄選新人階段使用。 本研究也將根據個案公司研發類及製造類提供之相關資料,建立研發類及製造類之多元線性方程式,個案公司甄選新人時,用人主管利用報表呈現,即可得知應徵者未來之績效為何。 在運用嚴謹的研究方法於個案公司的研究過程中,研發發現: 一、在同一企業(組織)下,不同職類員工,會因工作性質不同,具有不同的職能模式。 二、若工作績效評核系統與員工甄選工具皆以職能為發展基礎,則員工甄選工具可有效預測應徵者之未來工作績效。 三、職能的定義會隨著企業(組織)的不同而有所調整。 在取得個案公司920名樣本後,於統計分析後歸納出關於實務之六點建議: 一、研發類及製造類新人留任率是否有提高。 二、整體離職率是否有效降低。 三、公司生產力是否提高。 四、常模資料,不斷更新。 五、不顯著職能後續的追蹤及調整。 六、針對不顯著職能項目,導入標準面談問題。 在歷經此一嚴謹之研究方法,個案公司後續可定期利用此研究模式,不斷更新更符合現況之各項指標,提高職能適性測驗工具之正確性及有效性。個案公司後續可再建立其他職類之多元線性方程式,提高個案公司職能適性測驗工具的價值性。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractTalents are doubtless the most precious property to the highly competitive high-tech industries. According to the needs of company organization, placing the most suitable talents in the suitable positions is one of the most critical issues. A well-defined selection tool for recruitment can enhance the competitiveness of organizations and help company to make better profit. In order to prove that the tool could effectively predict candidates’ performance and help to set recruitment criteria for different positions, this research has adopted the competency adaptive test to correlate the personal performance appraisal in A company. After analyzing the correlation between competency adaptive test and personal performance appraisal, this research certainly has proven this selection tool for recruitment can establish the different level of typical behavior models and predict the employee performance. Hence, this tool is proven useful to evaluate the candidate during recruiting process. The research has also created a Multivariate Linear Regression equation based on the database of competency adaptive test and personal performance appraisal from R&D and MFG department staffs (provided by A company). Consequently, when A company is recruiting, supervisors can refer to the candidates’ evaluation report generated by the equation to presume the candidates’ expected performance. Besides, the findings of this research are as follows: 1. The employees from different departments and with different job functions would build up different competence models. 2. If the personal performance appraisal and selection tool for recruitment are established by competence-based model, the selection tool for recruitment can predict the performance of candidate effectively. 3. The definition of each competency item would be illustrated accordingly within different organizations. After analyzing the sample of 920 staffs provided by A company, there are 6 recommendations been raised in practices: 1. Has the survival rate of new comers for R&D and MFG functions increased? 2. Has the turnover rate reduced effectively? 3. Has the productivity improved? 4. The normal mode has to be updated regularly. 5. The statistical insignificance competency items should be conducted in further research and modification 6. To apply standard interview questions to the statistical insignificance. After careful research, A Company can use the same methodology to update the database of competency adaptive test and personal performance appraisal periodically. Furthermore, the increasing number of sampling employed to Multivariate Linear Regression equation will improve the accuracy of the selection tool significantly.en_US
dc.subjectcompetency adaptive testen_US
dc.subjectpersonal performance appraisalen_US
dc.subjectselection tool for recruitmenten_US
dc.titleA Study of the Relationships among Competency Adaptive Test, Recruitment Employees, Personal Performance Appraisal -- with A Display Company as an an Exampleen_US

