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伴隨科技的發展,數位遊戲式學習被認為能夠引起學習者的學習興趣與學習動機,可以成為一種有效的學習方式而受到越來越多的重視。由於數位遊戲式學習如同使用一般電腦遊戲一樣,在設計上必須要讓使用者達到所謂沈浸的效果,才能引起學習者願意使用並具備持續使用的意圖。本研究採用「師大數位遊戲學習實驗室(GBL)」當作開發工具,建構一個內含日語詞彙語尾變化的遊戲,以提供學生輔助學習的環境。利用其所包含的有趣內容及豐富的視訊效果,引導學習者提高學習動機與使用意圖。 本研究藉由科技接受模式(technology acceptance model,TAM)瞭解師大數位遊戲學習實驗室(GBL)系統,提出十八項假設,檢視大學學生對該數位遊戲學習平台之使用意圖。研究中,探討哪些因素會影響學習者使用 (GBL)系統的態度與意圖,此將有助於資訊科技融入教學的推動。本研究採用立意取樣方式進行問卷調查,由東吳大學學生進行問卷填寫。問卷總共發放265份,經回收樣本進行篩選後有效回收樣本,總計共248份,有效回收率達93.5%。研究結果發現:(1)系統之認知易用性對認知有用性具正向影響;(2)日語課堂學習焦慮僅對認知有用性有正向影響,對認知易用性、使用態度及使用意圖驗證結果未獲支持;(3)系統之認知有用性對使用態度與使用意圖具顯著正向影響;(4)軟體學習內容設計對認知易用性、有用性及使用態度、意圖均具有正向影響;(5)電腦自我效能主要影響認知的易用性。 本研究結果可以增加對於使用數位遊戲學習實驗室(GBL)系統的瞭解,並作為未來外語教育導入數位遊戲式學習時的參考。
Digital game-based learning (GBL) is believed to generate the interest and motivation of learners, and can effectively increase their attention. Computer games designed with GBL can allow users to feel immersed in the effects, causing continued interest in learning. This study used, "the National Taiwan Normal University Digital Game-based Learning Research Lab" to design a computer learning module involving a digital Japanese verb and adjective conjugations game to provide students with a supplementary language learning environment. The proposed design offers appealing digital game content with copious video effects, aiming to motivate university students to continue using GBL. Using the (technology acceptance model (TAM), this study aimed to explore digital learning websites of the (GBL) system「at the National Taiwan Normal University Digital Game-based Learning Research Lab 」under 18 assumptions, to examine whether learning platforms affect university students’ usage intention. Based on related research, this study explored the factors affecting students’ attitude and tendency to use (GBL) systems. In addition, this study expected to discover that, beyond a doubt, GBL systems facilitate the promotion and diffusion of IT into teaching. A questionnaire- was administered to survey students from Soochow University, using the judgment sampling method. The return rate was 93.5 % with 248 out of 265 valid samples. The results are: 1. The perceived ease of using (GBL) systems influence the effect of perceived usefulness. 2. The anxiety typical of a Japanese language classroom influences the effects of perceived usefulness, but do not influence the perceived ease of use, using attitude or using intention. 3. The effect of perceived usefulness influences using attitude and using intention. 4. The content design of Japanese learning influences the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, using attitude, and using intention. 5. Computer self-efficacy mainly influences the perceived ease of use. The results improve our understanding of the external factors affecting the acceptance of (GBL) systems. Furthermore, importing foreign language education willbe a reference for developing the promotional campaign of digital game-based learning tools.



數位遊戲式學習, 科技接受模式, 電腦自我效能, 外語學習焦慮, 使用意圖, digital game-based learning, technology acceptance mode, computer self-efficacy, foreign language anxiety, usage intention





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