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本研究旨在以運用功能分析(functional analysis)方法,邀請該職業領域的專家學者建構製圖科畢業生(即製圖員)所應該具備的專業能力標準與基本能力等級。 為達成本研究目的,本研究主要方式係先蒐集相關之能力文獻資料,發展出製圖員專業能力項目功能樹狀圖初稿及功能樹狀圖檢核表,再經焦點團體會議運用功能樹狀圖檢核表來檢視所發展之專業能力項目功能樹狀圖之適切性,並發展出製圖員所需具備之專業能力標準,最後則配合基本能力項目發展出製圖員在每一關鍵活動項目所需達到的能力等級,再依所有關鍵活動於單一基本能力項目之等級分配情況,歸納出製圖員所應達到之基本能力等級。 本研究所獲致的結果,歸納出以下結論: 1.經本研究彙整分析專家學者對於製圖員所應該具備之基本能力等級意見後發現,製圖科畢業生在五大基本能力構面所屬之19項能力項目,經專家學者的認定除了「讀」需達到等級4外,其餘的能力項目都需具有等級3的標準。 2.經本研究分析製圖員所需具備之專業能力標準發現,為達成「判讀及繪製一般機械製圖及專業機械製圖」之關鍵目的,製圖科學生必須要具備6項主要功能及27項模組之能力;而經本研究再分析每一項主要功能之模組,可再分析出其表現規準95項,相關知能351項。 3.經本研究發現,個人基本能力之訓鍊有其必要性,因為在目前的社會環境,專業能力的訓練固然重要,然而個人基本能力素養之培養亦是重要。 4.本研究成果,可提供工業職業學校與職業訓練中心作為專業人員專業能力標準與基本能力等級培養之參考。
The purpose of this study was to determine the competency standards level of basic and professional competency required for the students of the drawing department (i.e. the draftsmen) in vocational high school, constructed through functional analysis made by experts and scholars of related fields. The study was made in the following procedure: first, search and collect documents of related competency to develop the draft of functional map of draftsmen’s professional competency and its checklist. And with focus groups, use the checklist to examine the adequacy of the functional map to develop each professional competency standard required for students of the drawing department. According to the basic competency items, develop the competency standards of every key activity item required for these students. Finally, according to the states of all the key activities distributed in each basic competency item, deduce the basic competency standards required for students of drawing department in vocational high school. The conclusions drawn from this study were as follows: 1.By collecting and analyzing experts’ and scholars’ opinions about basic competency standards required for students of drawing department in vocational high school, the study found that among these 19 competency items belonging to functions of five strands, experts and scholars consider that “reading” should attain to scale 4, while other items scale 3. 2.Through analyzing the professional competency standards required for students of the drawing department, the study found that these students must have six main functions and 27 module abilities. From further analyzing each module of the main functions, 95 performance criteria and 351 related knowledge and techniques were deduced. 3.The study found that training in individual basic competency is a must. Though the training in professional competency is important, in current society it is also important to develop individual basic competency. 4.The conclusion of this study can serve as a reference for industrial vocational schools and vocational training centers in professionals’ development of both professional competency standards and basic competency levels.



製圖員, 功能樹狀圖, 專業能力, 基本能力, machinery draftsman, functional map, professional competency, basic competency





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