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本研究將期望價值理論(expectancy-value)應用於理解外語學習動機,並從期望價值動機觀點建構一個外語學習模式。本文將語言學習動機視為一個涉及數個動機相關因素的過程。此動機相關因素包含語言學習的選擇動機(choice motivation)、自律能力(self-regulatory capacity)、語言學習策略的使用投入度(strategic language learning involvement)、語言學習策略的使用精熟度(strategic language learning mastery),以及語言學習成就(language learning achievement)。針對此五項動機變因之間的因果關係,本研究提出八項假設以及一個假設模式。 研究對象為一百九十位分別來自三所公立高中的高三學生,其主要參與過程為填寫一份測量動機相關因素的問卷。本研究採用第一次北區聯合模擬考的英文科成績,作為研究對象的語言學習成就指標。利用多元迴歸分析(multiple regression)來驗證動機因素間的假設因果關係,並進行路徑分析(path analysis)來評估所提出的假設模式。 迴歸分析結果支持所提出的八項假設關係,且路徑分析結果顯示,此假設模式符合模式與語料間切合指數標準(model fit index)。然而,為求更為精簡的動機歷程模式,本研究刪除一條未達顯著標準的路徑,建構出一個修正模式(revised model)。進一步的路徑分析顯示,此修正模式超越原假設模型,更可有效解釋實證資料。因此,本文將此修正模式視為可有效解釋外語學習歷程的最終模式。 根據此修正模式,語言學習動機與語言學習成就之間為一個循環互惠過程,在此過程中,選擇動機、自律能力、學習策略使用等因素皆扮演重要角色。期望價值所構成的選擇動機會影響自律能力,而自律能力會引導學習行為。就語言學習策略使用而言,其質比量更能有效解釋學習成就。整體而言,此修正模式顯示,為達到更高的學習成就,語言學習者必須具備高期望價值所構成的選擇動機、擁有自律能力以及語言學習策略的使用精熟度。 根據發展出的語言學習模式,本研究提供具體的教學建議以及未來研究的可能方向。
The study aims to explore language learning motivation from an expectancy-value perspective and to construct a model of motivated language learning. Language learning motivation in the study is operationalized as a process involving a series of motivational constituents, which include choice motivation of language learning, self-regulatory capacity in language learning, strategic language learning involvement, strategic language learning mastery, and language learning achievement. A total of 190 third graders from three senior high schools in Taipei participated in the study and completed a questionnaire which measures the motivational constituents under investigation. The grades of one standardized simulated exam were adopted as the indicator of language learning achievement. Multiple regressions were computed to evaluate the hypothesized links between the variables and path analysis was conducted to verify the hypothesized model. Although the hypothesized model was found to reach internal structure model fit criteria, for a more parsimonious model, a revised model was formulated by eliminating one insignificant path. Further results showed that the revised model outperformed the hypothesized model and could account for the empirical data to a remarkable degree. The present study therefore accepted the revised model as the final outcome model which can appropriately reflect the motivated process of language learning in EFL contexts. The revised model suggests that language learningmotivation functions as a cyclic process in which choice motivation, self-regulation, strategy use, and learning achievement all serve as significant contributors. The volitional aspect of self-regulation was found to mediate the transition from learning intention to goal-directed behaviors. The quality dimension of strategy use possesses more predictive power over language learning success than the quantity aspect. Overall, the revised model suggests that to achieve L2 success in EFL contexts, language learners have to become motivated with a positive sense of expectancy-value beliefs, volitionally self-regulated, and skillfully competent in strategy use. Based on the research findings and the revised model, some pedagogical implications are provided for language teachers and learners.



期望價值, 外語學習動機, 自律能力, 策略使用, Expectancy-Value, Language Learning Motivation, Self-regulatory Capacity, Strategy Use





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