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本研究目的主要在了解桃園市國民中學童軍團部設置現況與使用情形,並分析歸納理想團部的樣貌。本研究以、「田野調查法」、「問卷調查法」、「訪談調查法」 為研究方法,針對桃園市境內五十七所國民中學,進行相關研究。
(一)桃園市 57 所國民中學中有 23 所學校設置童軍團,有設置童軍團部為 15 所,8 所有童軍團但無童軍團部。
(二)童軍團部區位大多設置在一樓並遠離教學區,童軍團部有的會結合器材室與童軍教室合而為一使用;若空間足夠可以有器材室、童軍教室、童軍團部各一間。內部空間規劃大多劃分為器材區、會議區、圖書 區、檔案資料區。並包含象徵性意涵的佈置。
The purpose of this research is to understand the current status and use of scout troop headquarter in the Junior High School scouts in Taoyuan City, and to analyze ideal scout troop headquarter. The methods of this research are “field work,” “the questionnaire survey, and “interview survey.” 57 junior high schools in Taoyuan County are focused in the research. With relative forms, video tapes, and questionnaires, etc. as research tools.And interviewed the scoutmaster willing to participate in this study, and got the relevant information to discuss the appearance of the ideal scout troop headquarter The results of this research are concluded below: 1. the Current Situation Scout Troop Headquarters in the Junior High Schoolin Taoyuan City. A. There are 24 schools in the National High School of Taoyuan City set scout troop. There are 15 schools set scout troop headquarter, 9 schools set scout troop but no scout troop headquarter. B. Most of the scout troop headquarter are located on the first floor and away from the inviting school district. group camping equipment room and Scouting classroom are used together; if there is enough space, there is group camping equipment and Scouting classroom, scout troop headquarter each one. Internal space planning is mostly divided into equipment area, conference area, library area, archives area. And contains a symbolic meaning arrangement. 2. the Usage of Scout Troop Headquarter in the Junior High School Scouts in Taoyuan City. A. The members to the scout troop headquarter usually in the rest time after lumch. The most frequent activities in the scout troop headquarter are troop meeting. B. The highest level of demand for the use of scout troop headquarter by Scout members is “social and cultural needs”. C. The Scout members believe that the most important function of the scout troop headquarter is to provide "learning and training." D. The highest degree of satisfaction with the use of scout troop headquarter by Scout members is due to the social and cultural heritage among partners. E. The members hope that the scout troop headquarter can increase the decoration: the most is "Activity Photos", “Banner”, “Scarf”, “Member List”, “scout troop History”, “Event Archives ” . 3. Exploring scout troop headquarter Space with Historic Preservation Implications A. The appearance of the scout troop headquarter space with historical preservation (A) The spatial planning of the scout troop headquarter includes equipment area, cultural area, data file area, library area, and office area. (B) The exhibits of the scout troop headquarter include photo display, cultural relics display, and introduction of Scouting activities. B. How the scout troop headquarter became a space with historical preservation (A) Sustainable development of space, a fixed, long-term planned space for use. (B)Emphasize the preservation of cultural relics, and the awareness of the scoutmaster about the preservation of cultural relics is very important. (C)Encourage the participation of the members sort out the scout troop headquarter together,and donate some artifacts to the scout troop headquarter. 4. The importance and elements of the scout troop headquarter space A. The space for the scout troop headquarter is very important and it is helpful to lead scout troop. B. The elements of the scout troop headquarter space is activity space, regional planning, and displays symbolic things.
The purpose of this research is to understand the current status and use of scout troop headquarter in the Junior High School scouts in Taoyuan City, and to analyze ideal scout troop headquarter. The methods of this research are “field work,” “the questionnaire survey, and “interview survey.” 57 junior high schools in Taoyuan County are focused in the research. With relative forms, video tapes, and questionnaires, etc. as research tools.And interviewed the scoutmaster willing to participate in this study, and got the relevant information to discuss the appearance of the ideal scout troop headquarter The results of this research are concluded below: 1. the Current Situation Scout Troop Headquarters in the Junior High Schoolin Taoyuan City. A. There are 24 schools in the National High School of Taoyuan City set scout troop. There are 15 schools set scout troop headquarter, 9 schools set scout troop but no scout troop headquarter. B. Most of the scout troop headquarter are located on the first floor and away from the inviting school district. group camping equipment room and Scouting classroom are used together; if there is enough space, there is group camping equipment and Scouting classroom, scout troop headquarter each one. Internal space planning is mostly divided into equipment area, conference area, library area, archives area. And contains a symbolic meaning arrangement. 2. the Usage of Scout Troop Headquarter in the Junior High School Scouts in Taoyuan City. A. The members to the scout troop headquarter usually in the rest time after lumch. The most frequent activities in the scout troop headquarter are troop meeting. B. The highest level of demand for the use of scout troop headquarter by Scout members is “social and cultural needs”. C. The Scout members believe that the most important function of the scout troop headquarter is to provide "learning and training." D. The highest degree of satisfaction with the use of scout troop headquarter by Scout members is due to the social and cultural heritage among partners. E. The members hope that the scout troop headquarter can increase the decoration: the most is "Activity Photos", “Banner”, “Scarf”, “Member List”, “scout troop History”, “Event Archives ” . 3. Exploring scout troop headquarter Space with Historic Preservation Implications A. The appearance of the scout troop headquarter space with historical preservation (A) The spatial planning of the scout troop headquarter includes equipment area, cultural area, data file area, library area, and office area. (B) The exhibits of the scout troop headquarter include photo display, cultural relics display, and introduction of Scouting activities. B. How the scout troop headquarter became a space with historical preservation (A) Sustainable development of space, a fixed, long-term planned space for use. (B)Emphasize the preservation of cultural relics, and the awareness of the scoutmaster about the preservation of cultural relics is very important. (C)Encourage the participation of the members sort out the scout troop headquarter together,and donate some artifacts to the scout troop headquarter. 4. The importance and elements of the scout troop headquarter space A. The space for the scout troop headquarter is very important and it is helpful to lead scout troop. B. The elements of the scout troop headquarter space is activity space, regional planning, and displays symbolic things.
童軍團, 空間需求, 空間機能, 地方感, scout troop, space requirement, space function, sense of place