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經蒐集有關的文獻後發展出「汽車修護技術員人格特質需求」的初步指標,並透過德懷術研究方法徵詢九位分別於學術界、企業管理階層及教育訓練工作服務之專家,進行二次德懷術問卷調查,期能對指標構面及指標項目的重要程度及適切程度得到共識。得到專家共識並確立指標構面及指標項目後,再應用「階層程序分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP)」分析「汽車修護技術員人格特質需求」各指標構面之權重是:「執行力(.238)」、「忠誠度(.168)」、「自我管理力(.144)」、「自我驅力(.106)」、「溝通、協調力(.103)」、「調適力(.095)」、「影響力(.083)」、「包容力(.063)」,並細分為四十六個指標項目。
This study aims to discuss the guidelines on required personality traits of an auto technician’s and to complete the following three research purposes: (1)To explore the dimension of personality traits that an auto technician requires. (2)To discuss the personality traits of the auto technicians nowadays. (3)To offer some suggestions for recruiting auto technicians and accessing their performance based on the research results. With the consensus of the experts, the established dimension and items of the guidelines and through the Analytic Hierarchy Process method, eight domains are produced and they are: (1)Execution Ability, (2)Loyalty, (3)Self-Management, (4)Self-Drive, (5)Communication and Coordination, (6)Psychological Adjustment, (7)Influence, (8)Tolerance. And they are sub-divided into 46 items. Finally, based on the research conclusions, this study offers references and suggestions on the “Required Personality Traits of an Auto Technician” to the management, training personnel, vocational training centers and vocational high schools, etc. as well as researchers who plan to conduct deeper research on this issue or develop further study.
This study aims to discuss the guidelines on required personality traits of an auto technician’s and to complete the following three research purposes: (1)To explore the dimension of personality traits that an auto technician requires. (2)To discuss the personality traits of the auto technicians nowadays. (3)To offer some suggestions for recruiting auto technicians and accessing their performance based on the research results. With the consensus of the experts, the established dimension and items of the guidelines and through the Analytic Hierarchy Process method, eight domains are produced and they are: (1)Execution Ability, (2)Loyalty, (3)Self-Management, (4)Self-Drive, (5)Communication and Coordination, (6)Psychological Adjustment, (7)Influence, (8)Tolerance. And they are sub-divided into 46 items. Finally, based on the research conclusions, this study offers references and suggestions on the “Required Personality Traits of an Auto Technician” to the management, training personnel, vocational training centers and vocational high schools, etc. as well as researchers who plan to conduct deeper research on this issue or develop further study.
人格特質, 汽車修護技工, 人力資源, Personality Trait, Auto Technician, Human Resources