

  隨著全球動畫市場的蓬勃發展,以及2002年政府兩兆雙星計畫之宣示,使得動畫產業逐漸受到重視,國內業者也積極轉型及拓展新業務方向,朝自創品牌之路邁進,在國際競爭市場上,台灣3D動畫產業思考如何走出自己的路時,策略佈局將是致勝關鍵,因此本研究從核心能力的角度,以深度訪談法為主,次級資料分析為輔,瞭解台灣3D動畫產業發展的現況及其核心能力之概況,探討業界是否有共通及互補的能力,進而研析台灣3D動畫產業核心能力與發展策略之間的關係。   研究結果發現台灣3D動畫產業存在共通及互補的能力,其具備核心能力分別為擁有經驗豐富的製作人才、具有豐富的國際製作經驗、充沛的中華文化創意素材、採用資訊管理系統及提供教育訓練的管道,而缺乏之核心能力則有創意開發之不足、市場行銷之不足、資源整合之不足、資金籌措之不足及缺乏企業創新的執行力,顯示台灣3D動畫產業具備及缺乏的核心能力多集中知識、技能與技術構面,前者重視製作層面,後者則分佈在製作之外的層面。業界必須充分發揮現有核心能力,建立所缺乏的核心能力,並透過政府的力量促成資源整合,產業才能健全發展。本研究歸納分析台灣3D動畫產業之發展策略,針對業界及政府提出3D動畫產業未來發展之具體建議,如應致力於培養創意,掌握中華文化素材、加強與國際影業共同投資及合製影片的合作機會、整合產官學各界資源,引介資金注入大型專案等。
  In 2002, the central government of Taiwan identified Digital Content Industry (DCI) as one of the strategic industry for future development, with the Animation Industry as one of the major DCI. With continuing changes of the global competitive markets , Taiwan 3D animation corporations are facing the transition of business model from OEM to creating their own brand in recent years. This study focuses on finding out the development status of Taiwan 3D animation corporations from the perspective of core competence, investigating what core competence Taiwan 3D animation industry owns and lacks, examining opinions of the industry, explore the principal competitive strategies of the 3D animation industry in U.S.A., Japan, China, and Korea and propose development strategies of Taiwan 3D animation industry. The major methodology used for this study is in-depth interview. Two kinds of subjects are being interviewed, including management level personnel of 3D animation corporations and scholars in the field of animation.   The results of this study indicate that there are common and complementary core competences of 3D animation industry in Taiwan. The core competence that Taiwan 3D animation industry possess are (1) well experienced production personnel, (2) fruitful international production experience, (3) extensive Chinese cultural heritage that can be used as elements in production, (4) good information management system, and (5) good personnel training system. The core competences that Taiwan needs are (1) ability for creative development, (2) marketing ability, (3) ability to integrate resources, (4) ability to acquire sufficient funding, and (5) and the ability in managing innovative cooperation. If only Taiwan 3D animation industry can fully utilize their core competence and try to make up with the competence that it lacks, the industry can develop to its full potential.



3D動畫, 電腦動畫, 3D動畫產業, 核心能力, 3D Animation, Computer Animation, 3D Animation Industry, Core Compentence





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