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無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)在過去 10年間快速的蓬勃發展並 廣泛應用於軍事、農業、生產、物流、娛樂等領域。無論是單架無人機還是多架無人機,在執行任務時如何避開障礙物都是任務成功與否的關鍵問題。除了那些已知的地形障礙物和靜態障礙物,還有未知的動態障礙物,這無疑是無人機群體的最大威脅 。隨著 無人機受到越來越多的關注, 也引發 公眾對飛行安全的懷疑,無人機往往被限制在孤立的空域內運行 對周圍環境飛行安全威脅態勢的有效感知是實現無人機 感知與迴避 功能的基礎,是保障無人機飛行安全的重要技術手段 隨著預計在未來幾年內運行的無人機數量將迅速增加,需要開發有效的防撞解決方案 期望未來使用無人機的場合將越來越多,為生活帶來更多便利性。本研究以無人飛行載具避障技術 為主題,以專利分析法探討無人飛行載具 避障 技術相關的 6項技術趨勢發展。應用國際專利分類號 (IPC)、關鍵字和通過檢核之公告專利做檢索,以國際專利分類號探討無人飛行載具技術所重視之分類為何種關鍵技術。本研究以無人飛行載具 避障 相關的 6項技術累積之專利數,作為衡量技術績效之專利指標,以羅吉斯成長模型 (Logistic Growth Model),描述技術生命週期 。
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)has developed rapidly in the past 10 years and is widely used in military, agriculture, production, logistics, entertainment and other fields. Whether it is a single UAV or multiple UAVs, how to avoid obstacles when performing a mis-sion is a key issue for the success of the mission. In addition to those known terrain obstacles and static obstacles, there are also unknown dynamic obstacles, which are undoubtedly the biggest threat to the drone population. As UAVs receive more and more attention, it also arouses the public's doubts about flight safety. This research focuses on the obstacle avoidance technology of unmanned aerial vehicles, and discusses the development of 6 tech-nical trends related to obstacle avoidance technology of unmanned aerial vehicles by the patent analysis method. Use the International Patent Classification(IPC), keywords and published patents that have passed the inspection to conduct searches, and use the Interna-tional Patent Classification to discuss the key technologies that are important in the classification of unmanned aerial vehicle technol-ogy. In this study, the accumulated patents of six technologies re-lated to obstacle avoidance of unmanned aerial vehicles are used as patent indicators to measure the Logistic Growth Model is used to describe the technology life cycle.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)has developed rapidly in the past 10 years and is widely used in military, agriculture, production, logistics, entertainment and other fields. Whether it is a single UAV or multiple UAVs, how to avoid obstacles when performing a mis-sion is a key issue for the success of the mission. In addition to those known terrain obstacles and static obstacles, there are also unknown dynamic obstacles, which are undoubtedly the biggest threat to the drone population. As UAVs receive more and more attention, it also arouses the public's doubts about flight safety. This research focuses on the obstacle avoidance technology of unmanned aerial vehicles, and discusses the development of 6 tech-nical trends related to obstacle avoidance technology of unmanned aerial vehicles by the patent analysis method. Use the International Patent Classification(IPC), keywords and published patents that have passed the inspection to conduct searches, and use the Interna-tional Patent Classification to discuss the key technologies that are important in the classification of unmanned aerial vehicle technol-ogy. In this study, the accumulated patents of six technologies re-lated to obstacle avoidance of unmanned aerial vehicles are used as patent indicators to measure the Logistic Growth Model is used to describe the technology life cycle.
無人機, 多旋翼機, 避障技術, 生命週期, 羅吉斯成長模型, uav, drone, Logistic Growth Model, life cycle