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口譯的歷程包含理解(comprehension)、重組(reformulation)及產出(production)等三階段。然而目前翻譯研究中,仍缺少探討翻譯的三個階段如何及何時發生,以及翻譯過程中理解歷程之相關研究。在此前提之下,本研究使用眼動法調查視譯之閱讀理解歷程、探討序列式翻譯(vertical perspective)及平行式翻譯(horizontal perspective)兩者之合理性、並檢驗視譯過程中,閱讀與翻譯之口語產出是否發生重疊(reading ahead)之情形。研究分別記錄十八位受試者於中文閱讀、中文朗讀及中譯英視譯之眼動,比較三種不同情況下之眼動軌跡。由於閱讀包含翻譯訊息理解階段,朗讀包含理解及產出階段,皆與口譯牽涉的階段有所重疊,故可作為瞭解視譯歷程之比較基準。 實驗結果顯示,視譯與閱讀在眼動的初期指標上相當一致,於晚期眼動指標上,才出現不同的認知處理歷程,故研究結果支持序列式翻譯之理論。實驗結果亦觀察到中譯英視譯過程中,理解及口語產出發生重疊的比例為72.8%。根據本研究結果,視譯訓練應著重換句話說(paraphrasing)的技巧;另視譯與同步口譯有許多相似之處,可作為口譯教學或練習之參考。
While the three components of interpreting have been identified as comprehension, reformulation, and production, the process of how these components occur has remained relatively unexplored. The present study employed the eye-tracking method to investigate the process of sight translation, a mode of interpreting in which the input is written rather than oral. The research focused especially on the comprehension component in sight translation, addressed the validity of the horizontal and the vertical perspectives of interpreting, and ascertained whether reading ahead exists in sight translation. Eye movements of 18 interpreting students were recorded during silent reading of a Chinese speech, reading aloud a Chinese speech, and Chinese to English sight translation. Since silent reading consists of the comprehension component whilereading aloud consists of the comprehension and production components, the two tasks served as a basis of comparison for investigating comprehension in sight translation. The findings suggested that sight translation and silent reading were no different in the initial stage of reading, as reflected by similar first fixation duration, single fixation duration, gaze duration, fixation probability, and refixation probability. Sight translation only began to demonstrate differences from silent reading after first-pass reading, as shown by higher rereading time and rereading rate. Also, reading ahead occurred in 72.8% of cases in this experiment, indicating the overlap between reading and oral production in Chinese to English sight translation. The results supported the vertical perspective in interpreting as well as the claim of reading ahead. Implications for interpreter training are to attach more importance to paraphrasing skills and to focus more on the similarities between sight translation and simultaneous interpreting.



視譯, 眼動法, 序列式翻譯, 平行式翻譯, reading ahead, 同步口譯, sight translation, eye-tracking, vertical perspective, horizontal perspective, reading ahead, simultaneous interpreting





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