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本研究旨在瞭解台灣北部地區高級中等學校汽車科學生學習滿意度、人格傾向、學習動機之現況、學業成就及影響其相關因素,並建構影響學習滿意度、人格傾向、學習動機和學業成就之間的徑路模式。經由問卷調查法收集相關汽車科學生的背景、學習動機、學習滿意度與人格傾向之資料,以及取得受測學生93學年度學期總成績(含國文、英文、數學、汽車學),並將其學期總成績轉換為標準分數T分數。經過資料彙整後,進行單一樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、多元逐步迴歸以及徑路分析等統計考驗。本研究獲致以下結論: 一、台灣北部地區中等學校汽車科學生學習動機係偏高程度、學習滿意度屬於中等偏高程度與人格傾向以內在傾向最為顯著。 二、確立高級中等學校汽車科學生學習滿意度、人格傾向、學習動機與學業成就之相關因素。 三、建構高級中等學校汽車科學生學習滿意度、人格傾向、學習動機與學業成就之徑路模式,並獲得驗證。 本研究另針對學校行政、教師、家長及學生個人面向提出幾點建議,供相關人士之參考。最後,有關本研究在研究變項與研究方法等方面,仍有不足之處,以及在進行研究中所獲得之想法,歸納出幾點建議,以供後續對此研究方向感到興趣的研究者參考。
This study was aimed at investigating the current situation of learning motivation, learning satisfaction, and personality tendency of students who are studying in Automobile Department in vocational senior high schools, exploring related factors affecting the above three elements, and constructing the path model that affects students’ learning motivation, learning satisfaction, personality tendency, and academic achievement. The data regarding the participants’ demographic information, learning motivation, learning satisfaction, personality tendency, and academic achievement was obtained by questionnaires. Also, the scores of the participants’ academic achievement (including Chinese, English, Mathematics, and Automobile) in the 93rd academic year were complied and further converted into standardized T-score. Then, t-test, one way ANOVA, multiple stepwise regression, and path model analysis were used to analyze the collected data. The findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. The learning motivation of students in Department of Automotive of Senior High School is on high level, learning satisfaction is on middle-high level. The inner tendency of personality tendency is the most apparent. 2. Confirmation of the related factors of the learning motivation, learning satisfaction, personality tendency, and academic achievement for students in Department of Automotive of Senior High School. 3. Construction, and exam and proof of the path model of the learning motivation, learning satisfaction, personality tendency, and academic achievement. Suggestions for school administration, teachers, parents, and students were proposed in this study. Moreover, according to the insufficiencies of research variables and methodology, the researcher also puts forward some ideas for further studies.



學習滿意度, 人格傾向, 學習動機, 學業成就, 徑路模式





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