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This study used post-structural theory concepts, such as power, discourse and subjectivation to explore how a primary school girl practiced gender discourses, constructed herself as a gender subject and simultaneously opened herself to gender power relations. Also, this study tried to look for the moments in which the girl went beyond gender binary and compulsory hetrosexualiy. The main participant of this study was a high-grade primary school girl. This study adopted qualitative case study as approach and post structural theory as paradigm, hoping to discover the way in which the primary school girl subject was contructed and excluded and find alternative ways to achieve gender equality. The results was that gender discourses in school, family and other fields effected the primary school girl’s gender subject construction. Especially, the “being good” discourse was very powerful due to that the participant had “student” and “girl” positions. She consciously and tacitly practiced the “good girl student” discourse in the field, constructing herself as a perfect primary school girl subject. But in the constructing process, she had to deal with over-oppression and yielding issue, which leading her to the dilemma of obedience and resistance. However, through the help of post-structural theory, we could be aware of the subtle processes or moments in which the primary school girl tried to escape and resist the gender binary and theorized it. The limit and agency of the girl’s gender subject construction were both clear in her doing gender process. The “good” primary school girl always resisted the social-constructed feminine appearence in her own way and produced non-difference gender conduct rules which all the boys and girls should obey. In conclusion, the alternative ways to achieve gender equality is that societies, schools and families should produce all kinds of gener- equality discourses( no matter that they are about being a girl, relationship or resisting male-centered discourses), so that the girls can be fully provided with different gender discourses and they can employ them to construct, inscribe and reinscrib their own gender subjects.
This study used post-structural theory concepts, such as power, discourse and subjectivation to explore how a primary school girl practiced gender discourses, constructed herself as a gender subject and simultaneously opened herself to gender power relations. Also, this study tried to look for the moments in which the girl went beyond gender binary and compulsory hetrosexualiy. The main participant of this study was a high-grade primary school girl. This study adopted qualitative case study as approach and post structural theory as paradigm, hoping to discover the way in which the primary school girl subject was contructed and excluded and find alternative ways to achieve gender equality. The results was that gender discourses in school, family and other fields effected the primary school girl’s gender subject construction. Especially, the “being good” discourse was very powerful due to that the participant had “student” and “girl” positions. She consciously and tacitly practiced the “good girl student” discourse in the field, constructing herself as a perfect primary school girl subject. But in the constructing process, she had to deal with over-oppression and yielding issue, which leading her to the dilemma of obedience and resistance. However, through the help of post-structural theory, we could be aware of the subtle processes or moments in which the primary school girl tried to escape and resist the gender binary and theorized it. The limit and agency of the girl’s gender subject construction were both clear in her doing gender process. The “good” primary school girl always resisted the social-constructed feminine appearence in her own way and produced non-difference gender conduct rules which all the boys and girls should obey. In conclusion, the alternative ways to achieve gender equality is that societies, schools and families should produce all kinds of gener- equality discourses( no matter that they are about being a girl, relationship or resisting male-centered discourses), so that the girls can be fully provided with different gender discourses and they can employ them to construct, inscribe and reinscrib their own gender subjects.
國小女童, 性別主體, 後結構理論, 個案研究, primary school girl, gender subject, post-structural theory, case study