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本研究旨在瞭解臺南市國中教學正常化之現況,探討高中職多元入學方案對於臺南市國中教學正常化之影響。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為臺南市公立國中之教師兼任行政、級任以及科任教師,抽取樣本人數為505人,有效問卷427份。研究調查所得之資料以SPSS19.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體程式進行次數分配與百分比統計、平均數與標準差、t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計處理。 歸納本研究結果,獲致以下結論: 一、臺南市國中教學正常化落實之現況良好,其中與學校行政方面有關的實施情 形尤其佳。 二、相較於以往的國中教學情形,臺南市目前國中教學正常化實施情形較佳。 三、高中職多元入學方案整體方案有助於臺南市國中教學正常化落實,其中對學 校行政方面的影響特別大。 四、國中基本學力測驗的實施有助於臺南市國中教學正常化的落實,對於教師命 題方面的影響尤其大。 五、兼任行政之教師以及專任教師在課程教學與評量整體及各個層面的教學正常 化情形更佳。 六、藝術與人文領域的教師在課程教學與評量整體及各個層面的教學正常化情形 更為良好。 七、臺南市偏遠地區國中教學正常化落實情形與一般地區國中一樣良好。 八、中型學校以及偏遠地區國中的教師對「高中職多元入學方案對國中教學正常 化影響」尤其抱持正向的看法。 依據本研究所獲結論,針對學校、教育機關及未來研究者提出相關建議,以供參考。
The purpose of this study was to know the situation of teaching normalization implement in Tainan City’s public junior high school and explore educators’ opinion about the Multiple Enrollment Programs for General and Vocational High School influence on teaching normalization practice in public junior high school. This study was conducted with a questionnaire survey. Participants in this study consist of junior high school teachers holding administrative posts, homeroom teachers and the subject teachers in Tainan City. Questionnaires were given to 505 teachers and 427 of which were valid. The data was dealt with SPSS 19.0 for Windows and presented by percentage statistics, standard deviation statistics , mean statistics , t-test and one way ANOVA. The results of this study are as the fallowing: 1. The situation of teaching normalization implement in Tainan City is good . The better aspects of teaching normalization practice are relevant to school administration. 2. Compare with past junior high school’s teaching situations, the situation of teaching normalization implement in Tainan City is better. 3. The influence of the Multiple Enrollment Programs for General and Vocational High School on teaching normalization practice in public junior high school is good, especially on school administration. 4. The influence of the Basic Competency Test of Junior School on teaching normalization practice in public junior high school is good, especially on teacher formulate questions for tests. 5. The teachers in administrative position and subject teachers do better work on teaching and assessment. 6. The teacher who teaching Arts and Humanities do better work on teaching and assessment. 7. There were no significant differences on teaching normalization practice between remote and general areas school. 8. Medium schools and remote areas school’s teacher feel that the influence of the Multiple Enrollment Programs for General and Vocational High School on teaching normalization practice in public junior high school is good. The conclusions of the study are proposed as the reference for the faculties in junior high schools, the administrative managers and the future researchers.



國中教學正常化, 高中職多元入學方案, Teaching Normalization of Junior High School, The Multiple Enrollment Programs for General and Vocational High School





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