
dc.contributorWang, Li-Yunen_US
dc.contributor.authorHou, Chih-Weien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討臺北市公立國中學校基層人員於十二年國教框架下服務學習納入超額比序後,服務學習實施現況與學校基層人員對此政策的認知、實施困境、面臨困境的因應之道與相關評價。研究者依臺北市學校規模,選取大、中、小各2間學校,針對服務學習業務承辦人與一般教師共12人進行訪談。本研究結果發現共分五部分,相關內容如下: 第一部分十二年國教框架下服務學習實施現況,由學務處訓育組為主要承辦單位,導師擔任協助者與提醒者。辦理內容有公共服務、返校打掃工作、結合課程、社團活動與社區活動辦理,以及擔任學校志工。實施流程分為統籌、公告、認證和確認服務時數。 第二部分學校基層人員對服務學習納入超額比序的認知,主要為學習待人處事的態度、彰顯服務跟學習的重要性、培養學生服務和生活能力、讓學生在服務中得到成就感和滿足感、接觸不同經驗、多元發展及品德教育。 第三部分十二年國教框架下服務學習實施困境有規劃上行政處室本位、學校規模大小與服務時間影響考試或讀書。執行上為訓練學生耗時耗力,增加工作量、處理時間壓力大、教師教學融入議題過多與輟學生或轉學生較難掌握。而認證上則有未依規定申請時數是否計算、校外服務與認證較難規範、審核機制各校不一,家長及教師質疑公平性和認證時數標準難拿捏。 第四部份十二年國教框架下服務學習實施困境的因應之道,規劃困境的因應之道有由校長主導各處室分工、辦理跨領域特色課程、辦理研習或宣導活動傳達理念,以及成立跨處室服務學習計劃小組。執行上則以專案方式協助輟學生取得服務時數、結合學校大型活動與校外機構辦理服務學習以及和課程結合。認證方面因應之道則多溝通與限定服務對象,賦予校外服務單位審核權利。 第五部分學校基層人員對十二年國教實施後服務學習納入超額比序之評價,正向評價為培養學生負責任態度及體驗服務樂趣。負向評價有重視升學或時數,而非服務或學習、造成公家機關的困擾與功利主義心態、學生服務被動、對服務內容的認證缺乏一致性、缺乏分享機制、比序無意義、未辦理服務學習相關研習或說明,以及推動的並非服務學習。另外也有部分學校認為沒有受到影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aims at exploring and discussing the current situation of implementing service learning and Taipei municipal junior high school grassroot individuals’ awareness of the policy of integrating service learning into the ranking while over quotas in exemption from entrance exam, the challenges of implementation, the countermeasures and relevant evaluation within the framework of 12-year basic education. The researcher selected 2 each of large-scale schools, middle-scale schools and small-scale schools respectively, based on the school scale in Taipei City, a total of 12 case officers of service learning and teachers were interviewed. Research findings include the following five parts: First, the current situation of implementing service learning within the framework of 12-year basic education. The student activities section in student affairs offices is the main implementer, and homeroom teachers work as helpers and advisors. Responsibilities include public affairs, students’ returning day for school cleaning, integrative curricula, the organization of extracurricular and community activities, and working as volunteers at school. Implementation processes include organization, announcement, accreditation and certification of service hours. Second, school grassroot individuals’ awareness of the policy of integrating service learning into the ranking while over quotas in exemption from entrance exam include learning interpersonal skills and attitudes, emphasizing the seriousness of service and learning, cultivating students’ ability of service and handling daily issues, ensuring student contentment and satisfaction when providing service, available access to different experiences, diverse development and character education. Third, the challenges of implementing service learning within the framework of 12-year basic education include, in terms of planning, the sectionalism of administrative office, school scale, and the impact of providing service on the time for taking examination and study. In terms of implementation, the fact that training students is time consuming and effort intensive, additional workload, time pressure for handling the service learning program are present. The fact that teachers integrate too many issues in teaching, the difficulties of ensuring drop-outs and transfer students’ involvement; in terms of accreditation, however, the accreditation issue of service hours application which is not in accordance with regulations. The difficulties of regulating and accrediting out-school service include incongruity of existing audit scheme among schools, parents and teachers’ doubt on fairness, and the difficulty of setting the standards for service hours accreditation. Fourth, the countermeasures for implementing service learning within the framework of 12-year basic education, include in terms of planning, countermeasures, interdepartmental cooperation led by principals, organizing interdisciplinary curricula, organizing workshops and activities, promoting concepts and establishing interdepartmental workgroup for planning service learning; in terms of implementation, assisting drop-outs to obtain service-learning hours as a project, integrating in-school large-scale activities and out-of-school institutions to organize service learning into curriculum. In terms of accreditation, however, countermeasures include frequent communication and exclusive service group and entitling out-of-school service units the right to audit. Fifth, school grassroot individuals’ evaluation of the policy of integrating service learning into the ranking while over quotas in exemption from entrance exam after the implementation of 12-year basic education. Positive evaluation includes cultivating students’ attitude towards taking responsibilities and experiencing the delight brought by service. Negative evaluation includes an emphasis on the diplomaism and service hours rather than service itself or learning, additional burden to authorities and utilitarianism, students’ involuntariness of service, accreditation incongruity existing in service contents, deficiency in sharing mechanism, meaninglessness of ranking, lack of relevant workshops or clarification activities for service learning, and the fact that the goal is not to promote service. Additionally, some schools revealed that they had not been impacted.en_US
dc.subject12-Year Basic Educationen_US
dc.subjectservice learningen_US
dc.subjectranking while over quotas in exemption from entrance examen_US
dc.titleThe Beauty and Melancholy of Service Learning within the Framework of 12-Year Basic Education: Exploration of the Current Situation of Service Learning from the Perspective of a Grassroot Entityen_US

