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臺灣烘焙市場蓬勃發展,業者如何因應競爭市場變化,相當值得探討。「體驗場景」提出概括整間店面的新概念,以感官、功能性、社交、自然、文化、待客之道六大構面,透過刺激-個體情緒-反應 (Stimulus-Organism-Response, S-O-R) 理論的基礎,探討顧客在服務環境中所感受、體驗到的一切,受到刺激後所導致的情感與行為反應。因此,本研究結合延伸式計畫行為理論與顧客難忘回憶,欲探討顧客對於烘焙業的行為意圖,瞭解顧客對於實體烘焙店的消費體驗為何,藉以優化顧客消費體驗,並作為業者提高顧客再訪意願與口碑評價策略參考。本研究目的為 (1) 透過實體烘焙店體驗場景探討顧客回憶與顧客態度之影響;(2) 透過實體烘焙店顧客回憶、態度、主觀規範與知覺行為控制探討對行為意圖之影響;(3) 探討實體烘焙店體驗場景對顧客行為意圖之影響。本研究採立意抽樣法於網路平台發放問卷,共回收397份,有效問卷共382份,資料使用AMOS 24.0進行結構方程模型分析,研究結果顯示,所有假設皆成立外,顧客回憶、態度在體驗場景及行為意圖間具有部分中介效果。臺灣目前受到疫情的影響,許多實體烘焙店需透過更多行銷手法以維持經營,建議業者可在行銷活動中,提高與顧客的互動,及透過重要他人的影響力,讓顧客間互相推薦。此外,顧客在實體烘焙店停留時間較短,如何讓到訪的顧客可以快速且深刻地留下印象,甚至想要再次消費,亦是店家發展自身優勢重要的一環。
With the booming development of the bakery market in Taiwan, it is worth exploring how the baking industry responds to changes in the competitive market."Experienscape" proposes a new concept of the entire store, including six aspects: sensory, functional, social, natural, cultural, and hospitality, exploring everything customers feel and experience in the service environment, resulting in positive or negative emotional and behavioral responses. Through the theory of Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R), exploring everything that customers feel and experience in the service environment, and the emotional and behavioral reactions caused by stimulation. Therefore, this study combines ETPB and customers’ memorability, in order to explore the behavioral intention of customers in the baking industry, and to understand the consumer experience of customers in brick-and-mortar bakeries, so as to optimize the customer consumption experience and improve customer revisit intention and word-of-mouth evaluation. The purpose of the research is (1) to explore the relationship between experienscape and customers' memorability, or experienscape and customers' attitudes (2) to examine the effects of customers' memorability, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on the behavioral intention towards bakery (3) to explore the influence of experienscape on behavioral intention. Purposive sampling was used and the questionnaire was conducted on the online platform. A total of 397 respondents were received, after eliminating invalid responses, 382 valid responses were obtained for analysis. Data were analyzed using AMOS 24.0 software for structural equation modeling. All hypotheses are accepted. Besides, there are mediators as customers' memorability and attitude partly affect experienscape and behavioral intention. Because of the COVID-19, many bakeries need more marketing strategies to maintain their business. This study suggests that bakery owners can increase their interaction with customers, and word-of-mouth among customers through the influence of important others when they have marketing activities. On the other hand, customers would not stay for a long time at the bakery, so how to leave them a rapidly and strong impression, even make them repurchase, is also an important part for bakery owners to develop themselves advantages.
With the booming development of the bakery market in Taiwan, it is worth exploring how the baking industry responds to changes in the competitive market."Experienscape" proposes a new concept of the entire store, including six aspects: sensory, functional, social, natural, cultural, and hospitality, exploring everything customers feel and experience in the service environment, resulting in positive or negative emotional and behavioral responses. Through the theory of Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R), exploring everything that customers feel and experience in the service environment, and the emotional and behavioral reactions caused by stimulation. Therefore, this study combines ETPB and customers’ memorability, in order to explore the behavioral intention of customers in the baking industry, and to understand the consumer experience of customers in brick-and-mortar bakeries, so as to optimize the customer consumption experience and improve customer revisit intention and word-of-mouth evaluation. The purpose of the research is (1) to explore the relationship between experienscape and customers' memorability, or experienscape and customers' attitudes (2) to examine the effects of customers' memorability, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on the behavioral intention towards bakery (3) to explore the influence of experienscape on behavioral intention. Purposive sampling was used and the questionnaire was conducted on the online platform. A total of 397 respondents were received, after eliminating invalid responses, 382 valid responses were obtained for analysis. Data were analyzed using AMOS 24.0 software for structural equation modeling. All hypotheses are accepted. Besides, there are mediators as customers' memorability and attitude partly affect experienscape and behavioral intention. Because of the COVID-19, many bakeries need more marketing strategies to maintain their business. This study suggests that bakery owners can increase their interaction with customers, and word-of-mouth among customers through the influence of important others when they have marketing activities. On the other hand, customers would not stay for a long time at the bakery, so how to leave them a rapidly and strong impression, even make them repurchase, is also an important part for bakery owners to develop themselves advantages.
烘焙業, 體驗場景, 延伸式計畫行為理論, 顧客回憶, 行為意圖, baking industry, experienscape, extended theory of planned behavior, customers’ memorability, behavioral intention