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本研究旨在描述研究者透過協同行動研究的方式,結合協同教師之專業知能,共同設計且實施性別教育課程之歷程;經由教學過程中不斷反思、辯證與討論,探究性別教育課程之教學成效及修正策略,並提出改進教學與研究之建議。 本研究以北政國中二年1班學生作為研究對象,實施每週1次,每次2小時,共計三單元之性別教育課程;透過觀察紀錄、訪談紀錄與現場文件等資料之收集與分析,進行教學活動與評量方式之檢討,並評估協同行動研究對教師專業知能之影響。 研究結果發現: 一、經由性別教育課程的實施,學生對於社會中的性別刻板印象敏感度提升,且願意以「人」的觀點代替「性別」的框架來看待問題。 二、學生反應經由課程的實施,讓自己更喜歡自己的性別角色,接受自己是獨特且有價值的個體;願意以健康的心態與班上的異性同學相處,並尊重彼此的個別差異。 三、教師宜於課前充分閱讀與性別議題相關的資料,以增加引導學生思考的深度與多元化,若能安排課後心得的撰寫與相關延伸活動,更可讓學生將所學落實於生活之中,以達教學之目的。 四、多元評量方式中,「卷宗評量」雖較費時但很有意義;「期末紙筆測驗」與「學生自評」部分可增加題數,以提高其效度。整體而言,多元評量方式能發現學生不同的學習面貌,本研究所使用之評量方式與標準可作為未來教學或研究之參考。 五、協同行動研究可有效提升研究者與協同教師質性研究之研究能力,藉由不斷討論與修正的過程,更可以增強彼此的反思能力,達到教學經驗交流的功效。 六、進行協同行動研究時,宜考量研究小組成員的多樣性,並建立「協同」關係的共識,才能發揮行動研究的精神。
The purposes of this study were to describe the process that researcher and the research-teacher who followed the method of collaborative action research, designing and implementing the gender education curriculum. Throughout the introspection, evaluation and discussion of the curriculum, we investigated the effect of the curriculum and the improvement of teaching methods. This research took place in the second grade students of the Pei-Chuen Junior High School, we implemented the curriculum once a week, two hours a unit, totally three units. Though the process of collecting and analyzing data from observation, interviewing, and papers in the research field, we discussed the teaching activities and evaluation methods, and try to evaluating the affect of the professional knowledge of the researcher and the research-teacher from this study. The results of this study revealed that: 1. Through the curriculum, students are more sensitive to the gender stereotypes from the society, and more likely to face the problems in the view of “human”, instead of the frame of “gender”. 2. Students reported that through this curriculum, they like themselves more than before, and knew that everyone was unique and variable; they were willing to get along with classmates in view of healthy, and respected the difference from one another. 3.



國中性別教育, 性別教育課程





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