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本研究旨在以「自律學習」(self-regulated learning)理論應用於十二年國教品德教育之「自律負責」,設計融入國文科七年級教學的課程模組,探討對國民中學學生施行品德教育之「自律負責」課程後,能否有效提升學生的學習表現,以增進「自主行動」的核心素養,並呈現教師在研究過程中的省思與成長。本研究採「行動研究法」,以研究者任教之七年級導師班43人為研究對象,進行三階段螺旋式循環課程,並以《十二年國教課程綱要國民中小學暨普通型高中議題融入說明手冊》中「自律負責」一核心價值為課程設計總目標,設計融入七年級國文「文字演變與書法欣賞」、「謝天」與「音樂家與職籃巨星」等三課程中,以期培養學生在真實生活中的思辨力與行動力,成為一位面對學習能自律負責的中學生,並有效展現在國文學習上。研究過程中,將透過教師省思紀錄、研究參與者訪談紀錄、學習動機量表、自律學習策略量表與學生自律學習檢核表等資料,歸納並加以分析以觀察學生學習表現,並調整課程設計與教學方式,探討「自律學習」理論應用於品德教育「自律負責」課程的實施成效。教學實踐分析結果如下:一、「自律學習」理論應用於品德教育「自律負責」的融入課程,有助於教師在國中國文課程的設計與實施。二、該融入有助於提升國文學習動機。三、該融入對自律學習策略未能有明顯幫助。綜上所述研究結果,研究者提出相關建議,以作為未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this research was to evaluate whether applying “self-regulated learning” theory to junior high Chinese class would uplift students’ learning motivation and performance. By integrating the 7th grade Chinese textbook with the merit of self-discipline, it aimed to fulfill the 12-year national education goal of “self-discipline and self-responsibility.” Along the way, this research also kept a first-hand record of the educators’ mindset. This study was adopted through action research. The researcher, a 7th grade teacher had a class of 43 students as the research participants to design three- phased spiral curriculum centering on the “self-discipline and self-responsibility" core value. With the Chinese courses of "Word Evolution and Calligraphy Appreciation," "Xie Tian" and "Musicians and Professional Basketball Superstars," the researcher expected the students to cultivate critical thinking and proactive learning habits which they can apply to their Chinese learning. The researcher assessed the students’ performance by interviewing the students, examining the feedback of the self-learning evaluation form by the student, the self-reflection diary of teaching, andthe adjustments to the teaching methods and course design. The findings were as follows: 1). Combining “self-regulated earning” theory with merits of “self-discipline and self-responsibility” improved the overall teaching quality for the junior high school Chinese class. 2). The combination enhanced the learning motivation for the students. 3). The combination did not significantly improve the junior high school students’ self-regulated learning. Based on the findings, a few suggestions were made for future research.



品德教育, 議題融入, 自律學習, 國中國文, moral education, issue integration, self-regulated learning, Chinese language





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