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本研究主要在探討多元師徒制對師徒雙方及組織的影響。並瞭解企業在實施輪調式、跨文化、跨世代與遠距離等類型師徒制之具體作法與考量事蹟。研究方法採質性個案研究,以訪談方式進行研究資料蒐集,訪談受教者、教導者與部門主管三種角色,共計十一名受訪對象,並依據研究主題將訪談資料整理與分析後,獲得下列發現: 一、個案公司師徒制的運作現況為實施多元師徒關係、計劃性的師徒配對組合、有系統的執行工作教導、設置激勵制度與落實制度的成效評鑑。 二、形成輪調式、跨文化、跨世代與遠距離師徒制之因素是來自環境變遷、因應組織發展與員工個人因素等三方面。 三、不同類型師徒間互動歷程分別為關係形成與互動、面臨多重困境與排除障礙持續執行等三階段。 四、對企業組織的影響分別為提升團隊競爭優勢、培育人才不受時空限制、降低成本與人才管道增加等正向利益,而師傅帶著徒弟集體跳槽、網路不穩定、利用教導工具從事非公務行為與解決問題的時效性不佳,則是其所面臨的反向衝擊。 五、對師徒的影響則為分擔工作相互支援、獲得心理支持、促進師徒成長與發展及提升個人的附加價值等正面價值,而負面的挑戰來自師徒間認知有差異、師傅不想再從事教導工作、徒弟要適應不同師傅、費時花工夫、溝通困難、師徒雙方都要適應不同文化,以及經理人師傅未來在用人時會考慮求職者的年齡。
The purpose of this study were to discuss Multiplication mentoring and organization's influence. And by understanding enterprise’ management in Rotational mentoring, Cross-cultural mentoring, Cross-generational mentoring as well as Long-distance mentoring, to analyze the concrete methods and consideration facts behind it. The research is conducted by taking interview. The case of the study is a high technology company in Taiwan. There are 11 employees interviewed, and come out the conclusions as: 1.The case company’s existing mentoring operation implements “Multiplication Mentoring” and “Planned Mentoring Combination.” It executes by planned job guidance and sets rewarding programs. Also, it implements the evaluation system toward the programs. 2.There are three major factors that form Multiplication mentoring. The factors include the environmental trend influence, the organization development need and also staff individual need. 3.There are three different stages of interaction between Monitoring, which can be defined as “The starting interaction of the relationship” ”Facing multiple difficulties relationship” and “Solving the obstacles and working-it- through relationship.” 4.The positive influence toward the organization include : (1)It enhance the team-work competitiveness (2)It is not limited by time and distance when cultivating talents. (3)It reduces cost whereas widen the talent-sourcing channels. But the side-effect will be the monitoring group change to a new job,unstable networking, taking the job guidance tool to do non-company related tasks, as well as low efficiency for solving problems. 5.The positive aspects from the mentoring relationship can be defined as : 1)Mutually support between the mentoring 2)Get psychological support 3)Enhance the mentoring to grow and to develop 4)Promotes individual value-added But the negative challenge will come from the different recognition between the mentoring, the instructor does not want to engage guidance work, the apprentice must adapt different skilled worker, communication difficulty, priests and disciples both sides both must adapt the different culture, as well as manager will consider the applicant’s age when decide hiring.



多元式師徒制, 輪調式師徒制, 跨文化師徒制, 跨世代師徒制, 遠距離師徒制, Multiplication mentoring, Rotational mentoring, Cross-cultural mentoring, Cross-generational mentoring, Long-distance mentoring





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