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本華文原創劇本《正確答案》為一齣三幕音樂劇,藉由一位女同志現身的過程,以喜劇的形式探討女同志在其中如何建構自我認同。此創作報告為筆者所創作的華文原創音樂劇《正確答案》之劇本創作報告,第一章為緒論,說明筆者創作該音樂劇的創作起源與目的。第二章探討劇中重要同志議題與詳述創作過程,第三章則為劇本詮釋,由劇本脈絡出發,分析劇本架構、角色、場景、詞曲編排。對於大部分的同志 來說,面對生命中重要的親人,「現身」就是一場賭注,在這場賭注中有可能獲得美好大結局,也有可能從此斷絕關係,畢竟跨越世代的溝通還是存在著種種障礙。故事由眾人眼中的完美女孩——萱萱出發,從學生時期就一直是資優生的萱萱,秉持著對於「正確答案」的堅持,一直過著令人稱羨的生活,但當萱萱遇到了一個「她」,她的人生自此不再符合所謂的正確答案。她同時要面對表弟的請求、家人的壓力、情人的反抗,在過程中發生了許多意外與掙扎,最後萱萱好好的審視自己的內心,重新定義屬於自己的「正確答案」。
The original Mandarin musical, The Perfect Answer, is a three-act play, exploring the diversity of genders in the form of comedy and how her self-identification is formed through the process of lesbian’s “coming out”. The following content includes the playwrighting report and the analysis of The Perfect Answer. The first part is the introduction, which features the motivation and the purpose of creating the script of this musical. The second part concerns the issues of homosexuality and the elaboration of the producing procedure. The third part details the interpretation of the script, starting with the outlines, followed by the analysis of the structure, characters, scenes, and composition.For most homosexual, coming out is like a gamble, especially when facing their important relatives. The consequences to this wager are extreme: it may lead to a perfect ending or result in disownment. After all, the gap of communication between generations still exists.The story starts with the protagonist, Xuan Xuan, who is “Miss Perfect” to everybody. As a “Miss Perfect”, she has been upholding her faith and pursuing correct answers; therefore, she always leads an enviable life. Until one day, she meets “her”. From then on, her life is no longer accord with correct answers. Xuan Xuan is forced to face her cousin’s request, the pressure from her family, and her lover’s resistance. Struggling along the way, she eventually scrutinizes herself from the inside, re-defining “the perfect answers” of her own.
The original Mandarin musical, The Perfect Answer, is a three-act play, exploring the diversity of genders in the form of comedy and how her self-identification is formed through the process of lesbian’s “coming out”. The following content includes the playwrighting report and the analysis of The Perfect Answer. The first part is the introduction, which features the motivation and the purpose of creating the script of this musical. The second part concerns the issues of homosexuality and the elaboration of the producing procedure. The third part details the interpretation of the script, starting with the outlines, followed by the analysis of the structure, characters, scenes, and composition.For most homosexual, coming out is like a gamble, especially when facing their important relatives. The consequences to this wager are extreme: it may lead to a perfect ending or result in disownment. After all, the gap of communication between generations still exists.The story starts with the protagonist, Xuan Xuan, who is “Miss Perfect” to everybody. As a “Miss Perfect”, she has been upholding her faith and pursuing correct answers; therefore, she always leads an enviable life. Until one day, she meets “her”. From then on, her life is no longer accord with correct answers. Xuan Xuan is forced to face her cousin’s request, the pressure from her family, and her lover’s resistance. Struggling along the way, she eventually scrutinizes herself from the inside, re-defining “the perfect answers” of her own.
華文音樂劇, 原創劇本, 女同志, 自我認同, Mandarin Musical, Original Script, Lesbian, Self-identification