dc.contributor | 劉立行 | zh_TW | | 張颿駿 | zh_TW | | 2019-09-04T08:51:25Z | | | 不公開 | | | 2019-09-04T08:51:25Z | | | 2009 | |
dc.description.abstract | 在數位化的衝擊下,廣播電視、網路、電信逐漸往匯流(convergence)的方向邁進,而行動電視(Mobile TV)正是數位匯流下的產物。行動電視產業鍊(value chain)包括廣電業者、終端設備業者、電信業者、網路平台業者等,涵蓋範圍甚廣。繼日本、韓國、義大利、德國等國家率先進行行動電視試播後,中國、泰國、澳洲、美國、英國、挪威等國紛紛跟進,在2006年底,挪威已推出行動電視的廣告服務(廖慧美,2006)。 在台灣方面,2006年8月4日,國家通訊傳播委員會公告台灣行動電視試播名單,名單包括中視、公視、華視、高通及中華聯網等五個團隊,陸續自2007年六月開始試播,預計在2008年六月結束。國家通訊傳播委員會隨即在2008年2月公布行動電視公開意見徵詢草案,初步規劃若採釋照,將發出二至三張全區執照,每張6MHz,至3月底廣徵各界意見,五個試播團隊表示將合作爭取執照,但截至2008年底,釋照的動作卻仍未展開,行動電視的發展也陷入停頓,其原因究竟為何? 本研究使用次級資料分析法整理世界各國行動電視發展現況,再以社會技術理論、利害關係人的框架,透過個案分析法,探討韓國商業營運的現況,並以同樣的框架檢視台灣行動電視產業,而後參照分析結果,建立本研究所需之問卷,以深度訪談方式進行調查,統合產官學界之意見,分析台灣行動電視產業所遭遇之困難。 經過分析整理,本研究將台灣行動電視的阻礙因素歸納為以下幾點: 一、市場 從業者對於使用者行為的分析可看出,國外觀眾收看行動電視的喜好及時間點和台灣觀眾對於行動電視的期待具有相當的差異,依據台灣目前傳播產業的態勢來看,類似於日本及韓國的商業模式也難以在台灣實現。迥異於國外經驗的市場情形,考驗著行動電視在台灣的影響力,並從最根本的「體質」阻礙了行動電視的推廣。 二、業者 在韓國(SKT)、義大利(Mediaset)、美國(Qualcomn)的例子中,都可以找一家或數家在初期就展現出積極態度、希望佔據主導地位的業者,這些業者某種程度上讓該國行動電視迅速地從計劃、試播到正式營運,並在全球行動電視產業取得領先地位,而在台灣,從訪談過程中得知,還沒有出現這樣的一家業者。 三、政府 政府廣電政策規劃不清、和業者缺乏溝通,再加上NCC擁有的資源與魄力不足,導致台灣傳播產業缺乏整體性的規畫並延誤行動電視的釋照,使得行動電視陷入了目前的僵局。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Because of the impact of digitization, broadcasting, internet and telecommunication have become convergent. Mobile TV is the development from digital convergence. The value chain of mobile TV includes broadcasters, handheld manufacturers, telecommunication operators, and content providers. After Japan, Korea, Italy, and Germany have started mobile TV trials, China, Thailand, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and Norway have come up. Furthermore, Norway has begun advertisement services in 2006. In Taiwan, NCC(National communications commission)announced the list of the mobile TV trial groups, which contains CTV, PTS, CTS, Qualcomm, and TW-Airnet. The trial groups have begun tests during June 2007 to June 2008. Besides, NCC announced the plan to gather opinions until March. If the final decision is to adopt the method of auction to release licenses, NCC is going to manage to release two or three licenses. The five trial groups claimed that they are going to apply for the licenses together. However, NCC has not started releasing licenses until September, and the development of Mobile TV in Taiwan stop. What are the reasons? This research uses secondary data analysis to figure out the recent development of mobile TV around the world, and then apply the frame comprising sociotechnical theory and stakeholder theory to investigate Korea and Taiwan’s business operation and management strategies through case study. Referring to the analysis, researcher builds a questionnaire to operate in-depth interviewing to conclude the diffusion barriers of mobile TV in Taiwan. According to analysis, the thesis summarizes some diffusion barriers to Taiwanese mobile TV development. 1. Market According to the analysis of consumer behavior from industry, it can be seen that the preference of programs and watching time for foreign consumers is different from Taiwanese. In addition, based on Taiwanese current communication industry structure, the business models which are similar to Japanese and Korean are also difficult to implement in Taiwan. Different from foreign experience, the unique and unpredictable Taiwan market impacted the influence of mobile TV, and impeded the diffusion of mobile TV in Taiwan. 2. Industry From the examples of SKT in Korea, Mediaset in Italy, and Qualcomn in the U.S., there are one or even more companies showing positive attitude to dominate the industry in the early stage. They have led their mobile TV industries from planning, trial to operation in their countries, letting their countries become leaders in the global mobile TV industry. On contrast, it has been found through the interviews that there is no company in Taiwan attempting to be the pioneer. 3. Government In addition to the unclear communication policies, the lack of interaction between government and industry and NCC’s not enough resource and ambition resulted in the short-sighted plan for mobile TV and the postpone of license release. All of them cause the current deadlock of mobile TV in Taiwan. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 圖文傳播學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | GN0695720235 | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.identifier.uri | | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 行動電視 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 商業模式 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 社會技術系統 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 利害關係人 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 個案分析 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | Mobile TV | en_US |
dc.subject | business model | en_US |
dc.subject | sociotechnical system | en_US |
dc.subject | stakeholder | en_US |
dc.subject | case study | en_US |
dc.title | 台灣行動電視傳佈過程之阻礙因素分析 | zh_TW |
dc.title | A Study on Diffusion Barriers of Mobile TV in Taiwan | en_US |