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本研究主要在探討個案組織推動臨床技能紮根教育之成效。以Kirkpatrick評鑑模式對實習醫學生的內視鏡模擬訓練進行評量。研究方法採取個案研究,自97年11月起至98年5月止,透過參訓者的實作成績與課後問卷,收集學生的學習表現及對課程之反應,並藉由六位學生的訪談,追踪學習者在訓練後的自我學習情況。本研究在資料蒐集、統整與分析之後,獲得下列發現: (1)醫學生對內視鏡臨床技能的學習反應持正向評價。 (2)對於臨床基本操作的學習表現,醫學生平均能在60.06±21.192秒完成。 (3)課後參訓者會藉由再練習或與他人討論達成自我學習。
Learning by Doing is important of clinical skills for medical students. The purpose of study was to explore the present-day medical education are often taught to use the analog approach to training medical students learning. 97 years during the study period from November until May the year ended 98 continuous period of six months on a single organization to conduct investigations of cases. The use of training medical students in training for the real performance and after-school questionnaire, data collection, integration and analysis, research results will contribute to the clinical teaching unit to promote cultivation of professional skills and improvement the medical education.
Learning by Doing is important of clinical skills for medical students. The purpose of study was to explore the present-day medical education are often taught to use the analog approach to training medical students learning. 97 years during the study period from November until May the year ended 98 continuous period of six months on a single organization to conduct investigations of cases. The use of training medical students in training for the real performance and after-school questionnaire, data collection, integration and analysis, research results will contribute to the clinical teaching unit to promote cultivation of professional skills and improvement the medical education.