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本研究旨在探討脊髓損傷者障礙適應與成功就業相關性,研究採調查研究法,係以『障礙適應量表-修訂版』中文修訂刪除版之「擴展個體的價值範圍」因素與「身體功能與障礙適應」因素蒐集研究資料,研究對象為桃園市脊髓損傷協會之會員,有效樣本 147 人並以 SPSS 22.0版套裝軟體進行資料處理與分析,研究結果如下: 一、 脊髓損傷者在障礙等級對於「擴展個體的價值範圍」的程度有差異,性別、年齡、教育程度、障礙期間等背景變項則無差異。 二、 脊髓損傷者影響成功就業的相關因素中,女性於職場上較男性容易重返就業市場;年齡層 31~40 歲者有較高的勞動力;教育程度較高者讓脊髓損傷者面對就業市場時有更多選擇。 三、 成功就業的脊髓損傷者在「擴展個體的價值範圍」與「身體功能與障礙適應」兩項因素均高於未成功就業的脊髓損傷者。 四、 就業情形與性別、教育程度、障礙期間、擴展個體的價值範圍、身體功能與障礙適應呈現正相關,且性別、教育程度、障礙期間等變項可區分脊髓損傷者是否成功就業。 五、 在五項背景變項及障礙適應兩項因素方面,以「性別」、「教育程度」、「障礙期間」、「擴展個體的價值範圍」、「身體功能與障礙適應」的項目能區別脊髓損傷者的是否成功就業,本研究區別分析樣本結果,正確率為79.6%,表示區別的準確度是高的。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relevance between disability acceptance and the success employment on people with spinal cord injury. The questionnaire of “Adaptation to Disability Scale-Revised” was used to collect data. 147 people with spinal cord injury in Taoyuan replied the questionnaire and data was analyzed by SPSS 22.0. The results were as the followings: 1. It was significant on Enlarging the Scope of Values (C_ADSR_E) factor in different levels of injury. 2. Women with spinal cord injury were more successful employment than men . People aged from 30 to 40 were more successful employment than the other ages. High-educated people with spinal cord injury had more choices back to the workplace. 3. Successful employment people with spinal cord injury had better disability acceptance than those who were non-successful employment. 4. There was positive relationship between employment situation and factors ( included gender, age, education level, duration of injury, C_ADSR_E and C_ADSR_SC). Factors of gender, education level, duration of injury were discriminant that people with spinal cord injury worked or not. 5. Factors of gender, education level, duration of injury, C_ADSR_E and C_ADSR_SC had 79.6% correct rate by discriminant analysis. It meant that discriminant rate was high.



脊髓損傷者, 障礙適應, 成功就業, disability acceptance, successful employment, people with spinal cord injury





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