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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
本研究旨在瞭解國中生的自尊現況,及其與個人因素和環境因素的關係。採橫斷式調查設計,從台北市某國中七、八年級學生,每年級隨機選取6班382名為對 象。再以結構式問卷為工具、集體填答收集資料,有效樣本374人,回收率97.9%。統計方法有t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關和多元迴歸分 析。主要發現如下: 1、研究對象整體自尊和自尊五組成要素均為中間偏正向。自尊組成要素得分高低依序為歸屬感、使命感、能力感、安全感及自我感。 2、學業成就、父母教育程度與整體自尊有關。部份個人因素、環境因素與自尊五組成要素有關。 3、學業成就、父親教育程度與重要他人情感關係能顯著預測男生的整體自尊和自尊五組成要素,解釋量在24.4%-39.5%間。 4、學業成就、生理成熟度、父親教育程度及重要他人情感關係能顯著預測女生的整體自尊和自尊組成要素中的安全感、自我感、歸屬感和能力感,解釋量在 27.0%-37.4%間。最後,依據結論建議學校推展國中生自尊提升教育時,可從自尊五組成要素著手,並結合家長共同推展已提升效果。
This study investigated adolescent self-esteem and its individual and environmental factors. A cross-sectional design and the survey method were used. By using cluster random sampling, 374 valid samples of the seventh and eighth graders selected from a junior high school in Taipei city provided data with a self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple linear regression. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The global self-esteem and five ingredients of self-esteem of participants were above average. Among five ingredients of self-esteem, affiliation was the highest, followed by mission, competence, security and selfhood orderly. 2. Global self-esteem was significantly correlated with scholastic competence and parental education levels, and relationships with significant others. Individual and environmental factors were associated with five ingredients of self-esteem. 3. Individual and environmental factors could predict male global self-esteem and five ingredients of self-esteem explaining 24.4%-39.5% variance. 4. Individual and environmental factors could predict female global self-esteem and four ingredients of self-esteem explaining 27.0%-37.4% variance. The results were discussed and suggestions for education and further studies were provided.
This study investigated adolescent self-esteem and its individual and environmental factors. A cross-sectional design and the survey method were used. By using cluster random sampling, 374 valid samples of the seventh and eighth graders selected from a junior high school in Taipei city provided data with a self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple linear regression. The main findings of this study were as follows: 1. The global self-esteem and five ingredients of self-esteem of participants were above average. Among five ingredients of self-esteem, affiliation was the highest, followed by mission, competence, security and selfhood orderly. 2. Global self-esteem was significantly correlated with scholastic competence and parental education levels, and relationships with significant others. Individual and environmental factors were associated with five ingredients of self-esteem. 3. Individual and environmental factors could predict male global self-esteem and five ingredients of self-esteem explaining 24.4%-39.5% variance. 4. Individual and environmental factors could predict female global self-esteem and four ingredients of self-esteem explaining 27.0%-37.4% variance. The results were discussed and suggestions for education and further studies were provided.