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本研究專注於前往中國的臺灣交換學生,探討其在交換期間的網路實踐以及其意義。赴中交換臺生為其面對中國政府明顯的網路管制,使其無法順暢地使用既往所慣用的網路管道,同時必須適應專屬於中國境內的網路環境。因此,本研究探討臺灣交換學生採取哪些方式來回應這樣的網路狀況,以及這些回應的意涵。本研究採取媒體實踐取徑,透過田野觀察法,搭配收集線上資料和深度訪談,描繪臺灣學生交換期間,外出旅行和校園生活的動態網路實踐過程。 研究發現主要為三個部分,第一為網絡資本(network capital)和經濟資本(economic capital)影響臺灣交換學生找尋好用和穩定翻牆軟體的過程,但臺灣交換學生也會採取策略(tacits),試圖找到穩定翻牆的時機,使用既有被限制的網路管道。第二則為翻牆的原因、意義和產生的效果。臺灣交換學生基於自身的慣習、文化資本、為聯繫既有人際網絡以及分享旅行喜悅而翻牆,同時,翻牆結合線下空間,讓臺灣交換學生像是生活在臺灣。第三部分則是關於交換學生使用中國境內的網路管道之經驗與原因。 最後,中國的網路管制作為網路實踐的實驗機會。網路沒有受到限制時,使用者不易察覺其意義,當臺灣交換學生無法順暢地實踐既有的網路使用習慣,反而顯示日常生活網路實踐常被忽略—「當下」的價值。臺灣交換學生想盡辦法突破網路管制所進行的實踐,凸顯網路的價值在於能突破所有時間與空間障礙,滿足「當下」所渴望的溝通或資訊需求。
Abstract This thesis explores Taiwanese exchange students’ Internet practices while exchanging in China. Facing the Internet regulation and the peculiar Internet context, Taiwanese exchange students need to change their existing Internet practices in Taiwan. Hence, by conducting field research with in-depth interviews and online date, I try to document Taiwanese exchange students’ strategies, including bypassing the great firewall of China, and its meanings for Taiwanese exchange students. The findings are divided into three sections. First, network capital and economic capital influence how Taiwanese exchange students find the useful and stable way to bypass the great firewall of China. Taiwanese exchange students would use the tactics and wait the impeccable moment to successfully bypass the great firewall of China. Second, Taiwanese exchange students bypass the great firewall of China to find information in accordance with their habitus, cultural capital or communicate with their established interpersonal network in Taiwan. At the meantime, combining online and offline space, bypassing the wall makes students regain their private space as if they were in Taiwan. Third, the experiences and reasons that Taiwanese exchange students use Chinese Internet channels. In conclusion, the great firewall of China should be considered an opportunity for experiments. The value of ‘Now-ness’ is sometimes ignored while the quotidian practice of internet usage. But it becomes visible when Taiwanese exchange students can hardly practice their existing habits in China. The ways Taiwanese exchange students try to break through the internet restrictions reveal the value of internet is to break the spatiotemporal restrictions and satisfy the desires for communication and information.



交換學生, 網路使用, 中國防火牆, 日常生活, 媒體實踐, 策略, 網絡資本, exchange students, internet usage, the great firewall of china, everyday life, media practice, tactics, network capital





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