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本文旨在比較輔助多媒體註解的閱讀情境,藉此探討多媒體註解對於國中生字彙學習之效益影響。自一九九六年開始的研究成果歸納出主要結論:當學習者對於目標單字已存有熟悉概念時,輔助影片無法發揮其效益。本實驗欲比較靜態圖片與影片分別搭配文字之字彙註解方式,於非刻意字彙學習情境下,對於國中生的不熟悉概念字彙學習是否有不同之效果。 本研究方法採用前測、立即後測及延宕後測組間準實驗方法。研究者選出十個目標單字輔以三種多媒體註解-文字註解、文字註解搭配靜態圖片和文字註解搭配影片,實驗對象為北台灣某國中三班七年級學生,三班八十八名學生被隨機分為其中任一組多媒體註解。第一週受測者進行字彙前測,二週後進行線上多媒體閱讀,並在閱讀後進行字彙立即後測,兩週後接受字彙延宕後測。 實驗結果採用三因子變異數方法分析。後測結果顯示組間後測成績有顯著差異,說明輔助影片比輔助靜態圖片和純文字註解顯著有效。針對外語學習,本實驗歸納主要結論:在不熟悉概念之英語字彙學習情境下,青少年學習者若輔以影片,會比輔以靜態圖片以及純文字註解更有收穫。本實驗鼓勵教師在引導學生學習不熟悉概念之生字時,可在教材中彈性運用動態圖像做為協助工具。
Studies on comparing still pictures and video clips or animation as multimedia annotations produced inconclusive results. A further examination of the studies since 1996, however, showed that learners were familiar with the concepts of the target words, leaving extra visual aids, either still or dynamic, redundant. This study was intended to investigate whether video clips and animation, compared with still pictures, better assist our EFL learners’ incidental learning of words with unfamiliar concepts. The present study adopted a three-group immediate posttest and delayed posttest quasi-experimental design. Ten target words were selected and embedded in a reading text, each of which was annotated by the three annotation types: text-only, text and still pictures, and text and videos (or animation). Three intact classes, a total of 88 seventh graders, were recruited in a junior high school in northern Taiwan and each of the three was randomly assigned to one of the three annotation types. All participants took the pretest two weeks before the experiment to ensure their equivalence of baseline vocabulary knowledge, the immediate posttest right after reading the text, and the delayed posttest two weeks after the experiment without prior notice. A three-way (2 times of measurement x 2 types of tests x 3 groups of annotations) mixed repeated measures ANOVA revealed significant differences among the three groups, in which the video group outperformed both the picture group and the text group. For young adults’ EFL learning, learning new words of unfamiliar concepts with video clips and textual annotations is more effective than with still pictures and textual annotations and with textual annotations. Accordingly classroom teachers are strongly encouraged to incorporate dynamic images in their materials when engaging students in learning new words of unfamiliar concepts.



非刻意之字彙學習, 單字註解, 靜態圖片, 影片, incidental vocabulary learning, annotations, still pictures, video clips





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