
dc.description.abstract自從一八六八年奎克(R.H.Quick)出版第一本英國的教育史專著後,近百 年來,英國教育史學的發展歷經多變,今日已古早期為師資訓練做準備,進展至 專門學術領域的開闢與建立土。本文旨在對英國教育史學的發展進行探討,以尋 求可資借鑑處。全文分為歷史發展、研究特徵及我國借鑑處三部分。就歷史發展 而言,可分為:教育史研究的初興,二次大戰後的發展,英國教有史學會的成立 及一九八O年迄今四階段。就研究特徵而言,依性質可分為子九五O年代以前, 傳統教有史學時期,一九六O年代至一九八O年代 「新」教育史學的出現及一 九九O年迄今三階段。最後,本文將從研究目的、研究取向、研究主題、理論 架構、研究方法、研究史料、研究時間、學術社群及教學等九方面,歸納出英國 教育史研究的特色及值得我國借鑑處。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractIn 1868, R. H. Quicks book : Essays on Educational Reform was published, which was the first book written by an Englishman on the historyof education. From that time onwards, the study of the history of education in England has progressed, and it has changed from the old traditionto the new approach. The main purpose of this essay which consists of four parts : introduction, historical development, characteristics, and conclusion, is to study thedevelopment of the historiography of education in England and to findsome implications for the historical research on Chinese education. By and large, characteristics to have the folloging the historiographyof education on England can be concluded:1. The process of the development of the historiography of education wasclosely related to the change on the teacher-education courses. When theteaching of the history of education gradually lost its ground on the teacher-education courses from 1960s onwards, however, ironically an academicdiscipline, the history of education, was made.2. The traditional Whiggish approach of the history of education, whichclaimed a single, isolated, linear and progressive perspective, has been criticized. The watershed of change was the introducing of the so-called 'new'history approach, which emphasized the ideas of 'total history' and 'historyfrom below'.3. The themes of the study of history of educaiton changed from old topics, such as great thinkers, educators, legislation and institutions, to new ones, such as local history, women's history, the history of the working-class,child history, comparative history and so on.4. Not until the 1960s did the theories and methods of social sciences, especially sociology, come to be used by the historians of education.5. The new methods and techniques, such as interview and statistics wrenot introduced until 1960s.6. Official archives were used by the traditional historians as the primarysourses. However, from 1960s onwards, the non- archives sources, such as personalletters, diaries, novels, newspapers, pamphlets, and so on, become moreand more important.Besides, due to the influence of the 'new' history, oral visual sources, suchas tape-recordings, films, pictures, paints, and so on, came tobe used gradually.7. After 1960s, the historians of education paid more attention to the issues after the Second World War than those in the nineteenth century.Historical perspectives upon current educational issues were one of themain trends.8. The History of Education Society was established in 1967, which was thelandmark of professionalisation. Two periodicals : History of Education Society Bulletin(twice a year) and History of Education (quarterly) werepublished by the Society. 9. Diplomas of Higher Education and high degrees in the history of education, such as MA, MPhil and PhD came to increase gradually from 1960s onwards, when the teaching of the history of education in the teacher-education courses came to decrease.en_US
dc.publisher 國立臺灣師範大學zh_tw
dc.subject.other英國 zh_tw
dc.subject.other 教育史學zh_tw


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