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台灣的連鎖便利商店產業之所以成功,通常是因為有良好的經營模式與策略定位。但是,普遍缺乏完善的人事制度,隨著市場邁入成熟期,人力資源的改善絕對是企業在競爭上最主要可以差異化的來源。對便利商店加盟店長進行續約意向影響之研究調查,是衡量加盟店長態度的重要指標,可以讓公司正視潛在問題可能萌發的徵兆預先思考因應之道。本研究欲探討便利商店加盟店長的工作特性、工作價值觀、組織認同與續約意向相互間是否有關聯與影響;目的藉以深入瞭解便利商店加盟店長的工作特性,提升加盟店長的工作價值觀、組織認同。最終,得用以提高便利商店加盟總部的續約比率,並針對研究結果提出建議,作為管理上的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以台灣地區全家便利商店加盟店長為母群體,以抽樣的方式取得樣本,將全省分為北、中、南三區,各隨機選出 55名,共發出 165 份問卷,有效問卷計 159 份;將回收之資料採用 T 檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 相關分析及迴歸分析等方法檢驗後,研究結果發現: 一、個人屬性變項對於便利商店加盟店長工作特性、工作價值觀、組織認同及續約意向有顯著的差異。 二、便利商店加盟店長的工作特性對於組織認同有顯著相關。 三、便利商店加盟店長的工作價值觀對於組同有顯著相關。 四、便利商店加盟店長的工作特性對於組織認同有顯著影響。 五、便利商店加盟店長的工作價值觀對於組織認同無顯著影響。 六、便利商店加盟店長的工作特性對於續約意向有顯著影響。 七、便利商店加盟店長的工作價值觀對於續約意向無顯著影響。 八、便利商店加盟店長的組織認同對於續約意向有顯著影響。
Successful chain convenience store industry in Taiwan is usually the result of good management mode and strategic positioning. However, as there is a lack of comprehensive personnel system and the market gradually enters mature period, an improvement in human resources is absolutely the main differentiated source of enterprise competition. An investigation into the factors that affect franchise convenience store manager’s contract renewal intention is an important indicator for measuring the store manager’s attitude and can make the company think over the way to cope with possible portent of potential problem in advance. This study attempts to find out whether franchise convenience store manager’s job characteristics, work values and organizational identification relate to and affect contract renewal intention, so as to promote franchise convenience store manager’s work values and organizational identification through probing into their job characteristics. Finally, it hopes to increase the contract renewal ratio of convenience store headquarter and, in terms of study results, it proposes some suggestions as a reference for management. This study adopted questionnaire survey and the population were managers of franchise FamilyMart stores in Taiwan. The sample was obtained by means of sampling. The whole province was divided into three areas namely northern, middle and southern area, and 55 store managers were randomly selected at each area. 159 usable responses were received from the total of 165 questionnaires. After examining the received data through T test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis and regression analysis, the study results showed that: 1. Individual attribute variable caused significant difference in franchise convenience store manager’s job characteristics, work values, organizational identification and contract renewal intention. 2. Franchise convenience store manager’s job characteristics were highly correlative with their organizational identification. 3. Franchise convenience store manager’s work values were significantly related to their organizational identification. 4. Franchise convenience store manager’s job characteristics significantly affected their organizational identification. 5. Franchise convenience store manager’s work values exerted no significant impact on their organizational identification. 6. Franchise convenience store manager’s job characteristics had significant effects on their contract renewal intention. 7. Franchise convenience store manager’s work values had no significant impact on contract renewal intention. 8. Franchise convenience store manager’s organizational identification significantly affected the contract renewal intention.



工作特性, 工作價值觀, 組織認同, 續約意向, job characteristics, work values, organizational identification, contract renewal intention





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