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本研究旨在了解學前聽損兒主要照顧者所獲得的社會支持。選取某聽語療育機構服務的聽損家庭之主要照顧者為研究對象,以自編之結構式問卷進行資料蒐集,共得有效問卷128份,回收率為75.29%。資料分析以單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及逐步迴歸分析進行,研究結果如下: 一、在聽損兒主要照顧者的社會支持來源上,以獲得的正式支持為最多;而在所獲得的社會支持類型上,所獲得的訊息性支持最多,工具性支持最少。 二、主要照顧者不同的「教育程度」與「家庭每月總收入」在所獲得的社會支持來源與社會支持類型上有顯著差異。 三、社會支持來源與社會支持程度呈現中度至高度的正相關。 四、所有預測變項中以「家庭每月總收入」、「非正式支持」與「正式支持」具預測力,共可解釋「社會支持類型」57.6%的變異量,其中以「正式支持」的預測力最大。 研究者依據研究發現,提出相關具體建議,以供政府決策單位、早期療育單位,及後續研究人員之參考。
The purpose of this study was to analyze the social support for caregivers of preschool children with hearing impairment. Data were collected from self-developed questionnaires given to the caregivers of preschool children with hearing impairment. A total of 128 valid samples were obtained. The collected data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The major findings were as follows: 1. On the resources of social support scale, the respondents perceived the most support from formal social support. The “information social support” received the highest score among the types of social support, while the “instrumental social support” was the lowest. 2. Caregivers of preschool children with hearing impairment received different resources and types of social support according to their educational level and monthly family income. 3. The research results revealed that middle to high positive correlations existed between resources of social support and the level of social support obtained by caregivers. 4. The stepwise multiple regression results indicated that monthly family income, informal social support and formal social support could totally explain the types of social support. The explanation power was 57. 6%. The most effective variable was “formal social support”. Concrete suggestions based on these findings were presented for the reference of decision makers in the government and early intervention agencies, as well as for future researchers.



聽損兒, 照顧者, 社會支持, preschool children with hearing impairment, caregivers, social support





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