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梅洛龐蒂的現象學,一向關注人類生活經驗本源的探問與描述,通過藝術創作經驗 的揭示,他發現藝術家是以「風格化的知覺」注視世界,風格在人與世界關係的環路裏, 扮演了非常基源性的角色。本計畫體現了梅洛龐蒂的風格論述,將針對運動風格經驗進 行現象學描述,預期可以揭露一個帶著詩意趣味的運動風格經驗的結構圖像,指出運動 實踐經驗乃奠基於前科學、前客觀、前反思的「風格化知覺」。為達成此目標,本研究 將執行三個預計的工作項目:首先,通過梅洛龐蒂各時期的作品,澄清他的風格概念; 其次,透過梅洛龐蒂的「基進反思」(radical reflection),進行運動風格詩意結構的 溯源與描繪;最後,將運動風格研究成果和梅氏的風格哲學進行排併比較,尋找彼此深 化或互補的線索。
For Maurice Merleau-Ponty, phenomenology is essentially an effort to interrogate and describe its own genesis in the most primordial structure of lived-experience. In revealing the nature of man’s being-in-the-world, he claims that man and signification do sketch themselves against the background of the world through the very operation of style. Following Merleau-Ponty’s notion of style, this study focuses on the role of style in elucidating the nature of poetic structure of sport embodiment. It proposes that, for a sportman, prior to his scientific, objective and reflective ways of performing his own body, there is a pre-scientific, pre-objective and non-reflective bond with the sport world in a “stylized perception” level. The aim of this study is thus three-fold. First is to trace the idea of style as a thematic thread running throughout Merleau-Ponty’s works. Second is to sketch the poetic structure of sporting style by operating Merleau-Ponty’s “radical reflection”. Third is to clarify whether a disclosure of the poetic structure of sporting style can confirm and expand Merleau-Ponty’s notion of style.
For Maurice Merleau-Ponty, phenomenology is essentially an effort to interrogate and describe its own genesis in the most primordial structure of lived-experience. In revealing the nature of man’s being-in-the-world, he claims that man and signification do sketch themselves against the background of the world through the very operation of style. Following Merleau-Ponty’s notion of style, this study focuses on the role of style in elucidating the nature of poetic structure of sport embodiment. It proposes that, for a sportman, prior to his scientific, objective and reflective ways of performing his own body, there is a pre-scientific, pre-objective and non-reflective bond with the sport world in a “stylized perception” level. The aim of this study is thus three-fold. First is to trace the idea of style as a thematic thread running throughout Merleau-Ponty’s works. Second is to sketch the poetic structure of sporting style by operating Merleau-Ponty’s “radical reflection”. Third is to clarify whether a disclosure of the poetic structure of sporting style can confirm and expand Merleau-Ponty’s notion of style.