
dc.description.abstract國家的競爭力來自科學與科技的創新,而科學與科技的創新力則來自於科學與科技 的紮根。而科學與科技的紮根力來自於未來科技人才在科學與科技的創作體驗。如何提 供有意義又有效的科學與科技創作體驗,以發展科學與科技創作的能力是中小學關鍵性 的使命。本整合型計畫本著此信念推動以現場做-現場比的方式來實際培養學生動手做 的能力,已逐漸在全国各級中小學受到重視。為追求更有效的推動,本年度將進行相關 研究以改善活動品質。研究將包括(1) 探討在Power Tech 競賽的環境中,學生科學與科 技概念的需求、習得及其對創作表現的影響。(2) 探討在Power Tech 競賽的環境中,學 生問題解決的模式與點子發想的情境。(3) 建立學生運用網路分享、模擬來學習科學與 科技概念的互動平台。這些研究結果將可提昇學生參與科技創作競賽時問題解決的能力 與表現,進而促動科技創作的紮根與普及。 另外,弱勢團體(如偏遠地區、新移民的學生)較少機會接觸或參與有系統性的科技 創作。本計畫將針對這些學生提供研習及參賽的經費補助,以提昇其參賽意願,進而減 少科技學習的落差。zh_tw
dc.description.abstractIn order to increase the competitiveness of a country, the innovation of science and technology must be enhanced. Whereas, there is a need to enhance the innovations of science and technology, the scientific and technological creativity should be rooted by the experiential learning of children from their early childhood. In this sense, the effectiveness of rooting scientific and technological creativity is played a very essential role in developing the distinguished mission of education at elementary and high school levels. In essence, a technological contest based on making and competing on spot to develop the hands-on capability and problem-solving competence of students, eventually, this contest is gradually prevailed to many schools. In order to promote the effectiveness of contest, this integrated project is to implement some researches to improve the scientific and technological learning to ensure the quality of contest. The integrated research includes three sub-projects: 1) to explore the needs, the learning approaches of scientific and technological knowledge, and the affect on the students’ creative performance in the Power Tech contest, 2) to explore the problem solving models of students and the best idea generation situations for students who take part in the Power Tech contest, and 3) establishing the FAQ and Simulation web-learning system to let students to interact with and acquire knowledge or problem solving skills. The research results will be applied to increase the problem-solving capability and project design performance. Thus, the solidarity of science and technology can be embedded at Taiwan education system. In addition, those students belonging to disadvantaged groups (e.g. new immigrating, rural areas) seldom take in this type of technological creation. Then, this project will provide some subsidiary to the workshop of Power Tech and transportation and accommodation to join the contest.en_US
dc.titleNational-Wide Powertech Contest and International Contest by Invitation Plus New Mechanical Design Competitionen_US

