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The purpose of this study was to explore how college students with learning disabilities build resilience in their development. Narrative research method was applied to collect life stories of three participants that have been identified with learning disabilities while attending colleges. Six semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted for participants to narrate life course, in which the categorical-content approach was used to analyze narrative data. The findings were as follows: (1). The risk contexts of college students with learning disabilities involved challenges and difficulties in both academic and non-academic settings. Negative emotions caused by failure experience could mainly interfere with the adjustment of three participants in schools; invisible mechanism of learning disabilities might lead to more complex problems for teachers and peers hard to have empathy with their situations. Labeling effects might impact the adjustment of three participants as well; self-awareness and the ways of disabilities disclosure in the front of peers could make potentially positive or negative influences to their adaptive quality. (2). Protective mechanism in the Self pertained to turning points that appear in transitions to new environments or emerging adulthood, whereas protective mechanism come from social systems pertained to support energy in family (especially mother), peer groups, and related experts. (3). Resilience development of three college students with learning disabilities involved different topics and factors; prevented from further risk threatens and helped get out of a crisis were two kinds of functions in resilience.
The purpose of this study was to explore how college students with learning disabilities build resilience in their development. Narrative research method was applied to collect life stories of three participants that have been identified with learning disabilities while attending colleges. Six semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted for participants to narrate life course, in which the categorical-content approach was used to analyze narrative data. The findings were as follows: (1). The risk contexts of college students with learning disabilities involved challenges and difficulties in both academic and non-academic settings. Negative emotions caused by failure experience could mainly interfere with the adjustment of three participants in schools; invisible mechanism of learning disabilities might lead to more complex problems for teachers and peers hard to have empathy with their situations. Labeling effects might impact the adjustment of three participants as well; self-awareness and the ways of disabilities disclosure in the front of peers could make potentially positive or negative influences to their adaptive quality. (2). Protective mechanism in the Self pertained to turning points that appear in transitions to new environments or emerging adulthood, whereas protective mechanism come from social systems pertained to support energy in family (especially mother), peer groups, and related experts. (3). Resilience development of three college students with learning disabilities involved different topics and factors; prevented from further risk threatens and helped get out of a crisis were two kinds of functions in resilience.
學習障礙大學生, 韌性發展, 敘事研究, college students, learning disabilities, resilience