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經濟部中小企業處從1989年起,以臺灣319鄉鎮推出「一鄉鎮一特色」(One Town One Product,簡稱OTOP) 為發展目標,在各部會推展地域振興的過程中,農委會是早期就提出「三生一體」的單位,強調「生產、生活、生態」,也就是人們在當地從事農作物的生產和生活的同時,也要兼顧維護生態永續。地域振興發展至今樣貌日趨多元,不再局限於農作物的產銷,還包括新創概念的加入。2012年號稱「最有人情味賽事」的臺灣米倉田中馬拉松從田中鎮起跑,靠著全鎮熱情動員、豐盛創意補給品與比賽前晚選手之夜,讓原本名不見經傳的小鎮,舉辦出全臺人氣最旺的馬拉松。田中鄉親志工用滿滿珍惜土地的幸福感,營造友善熱情賽道,一路幫跑者加油,使臺灣米倉田中馬拉松打響國內外知名度。本研究目的在瞭解臺灣米倉田中馬拉松在地方創生的發展與策略管理行銷。本研究透過質性研究方式,以半結構式質性訪談法針對臺灣米倉田中馬拉松的利害關係人進行深度訪談,以期驗證半結構式訪談所得資料之真實性。最後本研究根據研究結果提出結論和建議。
Since 1989, The Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs has aimed to launch"One Town One Product" (OTOP) in 319 townships in Taiwan. Council of Agriculture emphasizes "production, life, and ecology", that is, while people are engaged in the production and life of local crops, they must also take into account the maintenance of ecological sustainability. The development of regional r-evitalization has become more and more diverse, and it is no longer limited to the production and marketing of crops, but also includes the addition of new concepts. In 2012, Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon , known as the"Most heart warming Race", started from Tianzhong. With the support of the whole town, creative supplies and the party for runners before the race, the unknown town hold the most popular marathon in Taiwan. Volunteers from Tianzhong used their hospitality and friendly to creat a wonderful surroundings for marathon runners, making Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon Prestige worldwide. The purpose of this research is to understand the development and strategic management marketing of Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon. This research useing qualitative research and semi-structured interview stakeholders, in order to verify authenticity. At the end, this research based on the findings makes conclusions and recommendations.
Since 1989, The Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs has aimed to launch"One Town One Product" (OTOP) in 319 townships in Taiwan. Council of Agriculture emphasizes "production, life, and ecology", that is, while people are engaged in the production and life of local crops, they must also take into account the maintenance of ecological sustainability. The development of regional r-evitalization has become more and more diverse, and it is no longer limited to the production and marketing of crops, but also includes the addition of new concepts. In 2012, Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon , known as the"Most heart warming Race", started from Tianzhong. With the support of the whole town, creative supplies and the party for runners before the race, the unknown town hold the most popular marathon in Taiwan. Volunteers from Tianzhong used their hospitality and friendly to creat a wonderful surroundings for marathon runners, making Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon Prestige worldwide. The purpose of this research is to understand the development and strategic management marketing of Taiwan Rice Heaven-Tianzhong Marathon. This research useing qualitative research and semi-structured interview stakeholders, in order to verify authenticity. At the end, this research based on the findings makes conclusions and recommendations.
國際賽事, 永續, 運動行銷, international competition, sustainable, sports marketing