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臺北縣新莊市 : 行政院衛生署國民健康局
本研究主要之目的在診斷社區之環境需求,及該社區核心組織之組織運作情形, 以作為日後提升社區整體環境行動介入時之有效訊息管道及重要參考依據。研究對象因限於 研究者行政上的考量, 採立意取樣方惑,從臺北市 241 個社區中篩選出符合條件的一個小 型社區--大安區民輝社區作為本研究之對象。本研究以自編問卷為研究工具,包括兩種類型 ,一種為開放式訪談問卷,一種為結構式自填問卷。其中開放式訪談問卷包括「社區意見領 袖社區診斷調查」及「社區居民意見調查」兩份問卷,結構式自填問卷為「社區組織功能調 查」問卷。研究結果顯示大安區民輝社區居民以白領階級居多,社區發展協會無黨派色彩, 較欠缺行動力,但組織已成形, 有強烈進取心。在社區環境需求方面,社區核心組織依據社 區意見領袖訪談結果及訪談社區居民之結果,充分溝通,最後達成共識,決定以垃圾減量及 資源回收為本年度的活動主題。此外組織診斷的結果,顯示此一核心組織在內部運作方面, 團體合作氣氛及領導者的角色都相當不錯,但組織的目標仍未充分契合社區的需求。成員與 組織的互動情形,在參與動機上頗高,但在實際的參與及收穫上卻相對較低;整體而言,本 研究之社區具有豐富的社區人力、物力資源,可惜尚未能密切合作聯結。因此,社區核心組 織若能藉由推動社區環境活動的過程,與其他組織團體建立互惠的合作模式,將可有效地提 昇社區整體的環境行動力。
The purpose of this study is to assess the environmental needs and the current environmental actions in a community-based setting within the Taipei City.It also aims to analyze and to promote the functions of an organization, which is a selfdirected organization and its members are consisted of lay leaders in its community. The theoretical model of the research is based on Green's Precede-Proceed Model and Brown's model of community organization. Ming-Hu is a small-sized, urban area community with around 5,000 households, which is fitted the research criteria and therefore was selected for the study. An open-ended questionnaire was designed as an instrument for data collection by in-depth interview with community lay leaders. Two structure-ended questionnaires were designed to collect the data of the organizational function and the community members' opinions toward their environmental action experiences at the community level. Major results are as follows: (1)The demographic characteristics of Ming-Hu community is that the majority of people are white-collar workers, and the self-directed organization is just in the beginning stage, with high enthusiasm but low power of action. (2)From the results of in-depth interview and community members' survey, the leaders formed the consensus to decide that to promote solid waste reduction and recycling will be the two major community environmental action this year. (3)The function of the self-directed organization's internal structure is in high cooperative atmosphere and the role of leadership is quite active;however, the goals of the organization is still not quite fitted into the community needs. (4)The community has rich resource from their neighborhood but they still cannot unite themselves together to fully utilize their resources, and if they can, then they will be able to execute their community activities more effectively.
The purpose of this study is to assess the environmental needs and the current environmental actions in a community-based setting within the Taipei City.It also aims to analyze and to promote the functions of an organization, which is a selfdirected organization and its members are consisted of lay leaders in its community. The theoretical model of the research is based on Green's Precede-Proceed Model and Brown's model of community organization. Ming-Hu is a small-sized, urban area community with around 5,000 households, which is fitted the research criteria and therefore was selected for the study. An open-ended questionnaire was designed as an instrument for data collection by in-depth interview with community lay leaders. Two structure-ended questionnaires were designed to collect the data of the organizational function and the community members' opinions toward their environmental action experiences at the community level. Major results are as follows: (1)The demographic characteristics of Ming-Hu community is that the majority of people are white-collar workers, and the self-directed organization is just in the beginning stage, with high enthusiasm but low power of action. (2)From the results of in-depth interview and community members' survey, the leaders formed the consensus to decide that to promote solid waste reduction and recycling will be the two major community environmental action this year. (3)The function of the self-directed organization's internal structure is in high cooperative atmosphere and the role of leadership is quite active;however, the goals of the organization is still not quite fitted into the community needs. (4)The community has rich resource from their neighborhood but they still cannot unite themselves together to fully utilize their resources, and if they can, then they will be able to execute their community activities more effectively.