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本研究旨在探討高等教育之專業與通識課程融入服務學習,課程發展與大學生在公民學習之學習歷程與成效。其研究問題包括:(一)、高等教育服務學習課程如何發展?(二)、高等教育服務學習課程對學生在「公民行動」、「人際和問題解決的技能」、「政策覺知」、「領導技能」、「社會正義態度」及「多元態度」之學習成效的增進效果為何?(三)、高等教育服務學習課程對不同「學院」、「系所」、「年級」學生,在「公民行動」、「人際和問題解決的技能」、「政策覺知」、「領導技能」、「社會正義態度」及「多元態度」之學習成效差異情形為何?(四)、高等教育服務學習「專業課程」、「通識課程」、「必修課程」及「選修課程」,對學生在「公民行動」、「人際和問題解決的技能」、「政策覺知」、「領導技能」、「社會正義態度」及「多元態度」之學習成效差異情形為何?(五)大學生參與服務學習課程之學習歷程為何?最後,提出未來在高等教育校園中服務學習課程發展模式之建議,以提供高等教育發展服務學習課程之參考。 本研究採準實驗研究,以量化研究為主,質化為輔之研究取向,量化研究工具採用Moley等人於2002年所發展的「公民態度與技能量表」,作為施測工具。質化資料則以實驗組學生撰寫之服務日誌、期末成果報告及焦點團體訪談做為資料分析的工具。以立意取樣方式選取北部某科技大學為個案學校,探討其專業與通識課程融入服務學習之課程發展;其次,以98學年度第1學期修習服務學習課程780位學生為「實驗組」,另外則是維持一般傳統課程的學生為509位學生為「對照組」。兩組分別於參與課程前後進行前後測,並輔以質性資料深入了解大學生學習歷程與學習效果。本研究量化資料分析包括描述統計、迴歸係數同質性檢定及單因子共變數分析;質化分析方法則內容分析法。 本研究結果與發現如下: 一、個案學校服務學習課程發展:(一)雖成立專職單位,但礙於層級及角色而限制成效發揮;(二)從認知與情感層面發展教師支持方案,協助教師參與投入並確保服務學習課程品質。 二、整體而言實驗組學生公民學習成效顯著優於對照組學生(P<.05),且實驗組學生在「公民行動」、「人際和問題解決技能」、「社會正義態度」及「多元態度」的學習顯著優於對照組(P<.05),但在「政策覺知」及「領導技能」,實驗組學生僅在部分課程優於對照組(P<.05)。 三、不同背景變項,其學生參與服務學習課程在公民態度與技能方面之學習成效有差異:(一)商學院學生學習成效優於電資學院、管理學院,但工學院則無顯著效果;(二)財金系學生學習成效優於電子系、資管系,但其他則無顯著效果;(三)大四學生學習成效優於大一、大三,但大二及研究所則無顯著效果;(四)通識課程學生學習成效優於專業課程,選修課程學生學習成效優於必修課程。 四、在質性部份亦支持量化研究結果的說法,並發現學生的學習歷程發展為「學習起航」、「參與融入」、「觀點轉化」到「成果收割」四個階段。 最後,根據研究結果與發現,本研究分別針對服務學習課程推動相關對象,包含大專校院、參與教師、參與學生、教育主管機關及後續研究者,提出多方面之具體建議。
The purpose of the study was to explore the efficiency of higher education integrating service learning in the curriculum, and to confer Service-Learning course development and to discuss the progress and effectiveness of students' participation in Service-Learning courses of civic attitudes and skills. The research questions were: (1) How higher education Service-Learning course develops?(2) The impact of higher educational Service-Learning courses to students in civic action", "interpersonal and problem-solving skills", "political awareness", "leadership skills", "social justice attitudes" and "diversity attitudes” ? (3) What are the diversity of higher education service learning course : "civic action", "interpersonal and problem-solving skills", "political awareness", "leadership skills", "social justice attitudes" and "diversity attitudes” among different colleges, departments and/or even grades students?(4)What are the learning dissimilarity of higher education Service-Learning courses: "Professional Course", "General education", "Required course" and "Elective courses" to students’ performance of "Civic action", "Interpersonal and problem-solving skills", "Political awareness", "Leadership skills", "Social justice attitudes" and "Diversity attitudes” (5)What are the learning process and contents of college Students? At last, the proposal pertaining to Service-Learning course development model to future high level educational environment will be provided as reference. The study was based on quantitative and qualitative research approach. The quantitative methods conducted by quasi- design experiment. Quantitative research tool adopted Moley et al. 2002; the development of "civic attitudes and skills scale". Data was gathered through the reflection diaries, final report, final celebrating activities as well as focus group interviews. Purposive sampling is to select a northern university as the object of case study to observe the development of higher integrating into the Service-Learning course. Additionally, chose 780 from total 1289 students who have joined 1st semester of Service-Learning course of 98’ school year as ‘experimental group’. The remaining 509 students who have only undertaken conventional courses as ‘control group’. Both of the two groups were involved in before and after the courses to conduct test supplemented by qualitative data in-depth in order to understand the effectiveness of the learning process and outcomes for those who participate in the Service- Learning course. This study, quantitative analysis, including descriptive statistics, regression coefficient homogeneity test and single factor total score. Qualitative analysis was content analysis. The research findings and discoveries are as following: 1、The sampling school Service-Learning curriculum development: (1) Although the establishment of a dedicated unit, the effectiveness was still limited due to the level and layer restriction; (2) the development of cognitive and affective dimensions of teacher supporting programs to assist teachers to participate in investment and to ensure that Service-Learning courses quality. 2、 In a conclusion, experimental group is more outstanding than control group in ' civic learning (P<.05), and the learning of experimental group in the "Civic action", "Interpersonal and problem-solving skills", "Social justice attitudes" and "Diversity attitudes” is significantly superior than the control group (P<.05). However, in "Policy awareness", "Leadership skills", experimental group is partially better than control group(P<.05). 3、Discovery of learning effectiveness to different departments students who participate in Service-Learning courses in civic attitudes and skills: (1) business school students is better than those who majored in electrical engineering, management, but no significant difference to the institute of technology; (2) finance department students is superior than the department of engineering and computer science, no difference to other departments (3) Senior students are excellent than freshman, junior, but no difference to sophomore and institute (4) Students is with greater performance in general course than professional courses and better in selective courses than prescribed courses. 4. The qualitative findings, it also supports the quantitative results of the study and discovers that the process of learning has developed into the resulting four stages: "learning set sail", "participate in integration," "perspective transformation" to "harvest the results". Based upon the research findings and discussions, the study also provided consolidated and constructive suggestions in various ways of Service-Learning courses for colleges, participating teachers and students, education authorities and subsequent researchers for further research.



高等教育, 服務學習課程, 學習成效, 公民態度與技能, 內容分析, higher education, Service-Learning curriculums, learning outcomes, civic attitudes and skills, Content Analysis





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