國中生參與教室連結網路社群之行動研究 -以新北市三和國中學生為例

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台灣的國中學生學習英語優劣情形常是以考試成績來判斷,除了英文課或美語補習班,幾乎沒有機會使用英語。研究者服務的學校參與了與英國文化協會合作的教室連結網路社群課程,剛好為此問題展開了契機。 本研究甄選出九位14歲的八年級學生進行研究者自行設計的教室連結網路社群課程。本行動研究,方法以訪談記錄、網路留言紀錄、教學成果等資料進行分析的質性研究為主、問卷資料分析為輔,獲得下列結論: 一、教室連結網路社群課程可發展出一套課外延伸英語學習的方式 二、教室連結網路社群課程對於增進學生聽說讀寫的能力和自信心有幫助 三、教室連結網路社群課程對於教師在教學專業上之成長有幫助 四、教室連結網路社群課程對於未來英語學習結合網路社群的後續研究或運用有幫助
For Taiwan's junior high school students, the situation of learning English is often judged by test scores. They have little chance to use English except in English classes or English cram school. The researcher’s school joined Connecting Classroom Online Community course hold by British Council. And this started the research. In this research, nine 14-year-old and eighth-grade students were selected to participate the CCOC course designed by the researcher herself. This action research adopted the data of interview transcripts, internet message records, teaching creations to be qualitative research analysis, supplemented by questionnaires, access to the following conclusions: 1. The CCOC course can be developed to be a kind of extensive English learning method. 2. The CCOC course can enhance students’ listening, speaking, reading, writing ability, and self-confidence. 3. The CCOC course can help the teachers in teaching specialty growth. 4. The CCOC course can serve as the reference for further researchers to combine English learning and Online Community.



網路社群, 教室連結, 英語學習, 行動研究, 國中生, Online Community, Connecting Classroom, English Learning, Action Research, Junior High Student





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