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本研究目的在探討語言學習者於不同情境下之後設認知與發音策略使用情形。在本研究中,主要探討兩種不同發音學習情境:第一種為傳統教室課堂發音學習,第二種為電腦輔助發音學習。共九十位學生參與本研究問卷回答,其中三十位只於教室課堂發音學習,另外三十位只使用發音學習軟體,最後三十位同時於教室課堂發音課與使用發音學習軟體學習。 本研究問卷分析結果如下: 第一、 在發音活動的選擇與使用次數上,傳統教室課堂發音學習與電腦輔助發音學習有顯著不同,課堂發音學習的活動次數高於電腦輔助發音學習。 第二、 對於只在單一發音學習情境下的學生,亦即只使用課堂發音學習或只使用電腦輔助發音學習的學生,經比較後,兩組學生之後設認知與發音策略使用情形並無顯著差異。 第三、 當學生同時於兩種發音學習情境下學習,其發音策略使用情形明顯優於只在單一發音學習情境下的學生。 第四、 同時於兩種發音學習情境下的學生,於兩種情境中大致顯露一致的發音策略使用,說明學生可能於不同情境相互轉換策略使用。 根據研究結果,本研究提出三項結論:第一、在後設認知與發音策略上,本研究中的電腦輔助發音學習與課堂發音學習並無差異,對於無法參與發音課程的學生,發音學習軟體亦可幫助建立策略使用能力,進而培養學習自主。第二、由於在課堂發音學習與電腦輔助發音學習中,後設認知與發音策略使用情形只稍微高於中間值,故建議讓學生同時在兩種情境下學習提升策略使用。另一方面,也可在課堂或教學軟體中提供有系統的發音策略教學。第三、除了一般音位辨別外,教師與學生都需注意不同母音及子音上本質的不同。
The present study was intended to investigate the effectiveness and nature of two learning contexts, computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT) and classroom-based pronunciation training (CBPT), in terms of learners’ metacognitive knowledge and strategies. Ninety students participating in CAPT and/or CBPT were recruited to answer the questionnaires, including thirty students who used CBPT only; thirty students who used CAPT only; thirty students who used both CBPT and CAPT together. The results show that first, learning activities were employed differently in CAPT and CBPT. Second, no significant difference was found in learners’ metacognitive knowledge and pronunciation strategy use between CAPT and CBPT. Third, when learners used both CAPT and CAPT together, they used pronunciation strategy more often than learners who used either one. Fourth, learners seemed to transfer their pronunciation strategy use from one context to the other when they used both CAPT and CBPT together. Above all, the current study suggested that CAPT may simulate traditional pronunciation classroom teaching in terms of metacognition and pronunciation strategies. This could help learners who are not able to learn from pronunciation classes construct their autonomy outside the classroom. Besides, teachers or program designers need to raise learners’ metacognitive awareness and encourage their strategy use in pronunciation more effectively. One way to do this is through the use of both CAPT and CBPT altogether. Another way is to develop learners’ strategic competence embedded in the teaching curriculum or materials through different models of strategy instruction. Moreover, teachers and learners should emphasize more on qualitative features of language.



後設認知, 發音策略, 電腦輔助發音學習, 學習情境, metacognitive knowledge, pronunciation strategy, computer-assisted pronunciation training (CAPT), learning contexts





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